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Ideology, Ethics, and Philosophical Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Iran

AuthorJuan Cole
Title of item
Ideology, Ethics, and Philosophical Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Iran
Parent publication   Iranian Studies
Date of this edition 1989 Winter
Permission author
Posted 2017-08-26 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Biographies and Published Articles
Abstract Intellectual biography as a discipline assumes that the life and thought of an individual can shed light on an epoch. This paper examines 1700s Iran via the Shi'i scholar Mohammad Mehdi Niraq (d. 1794). No mention of the Bábí or Bahá'í Faiths.
Notes Purchase online at tandfonline.
Tags 18th century; Ethics; Middle East; Philosophy; Shiism
Locations Isfahan; Iran (documents)
Page views 2861 hits since 2017-08-26
Last edited
2017-08-27 00:58 EDT. See previous versions [].

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