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Bahá'í Approaches to World Problems

AuthorIscander Micael Tinto
Title of item
Bahá'í Approaches to World Problems
Date of this edition 2013
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Posted 2021-09-27 by Jonah Winters
Formatted 2021-09 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Unpublished Articles
Abstract Historical, religious, scientific, and economical analysis of the state of the world and how the various problems of humanity should be faced, based on the Bahá’í Writings and some contemporary philosophical and scientific theories.
Notes Mirrored with permission from
Tags Education; Environment; Maturity; Morality; Population; Racism; Technology; Transformation; Wealth and poverty
Page views 1101 hits since 2021-09-27
Last edited
2021-09-27 02:55 EDT. See previous versions [].

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