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Primary Source Texts Related to the Covenant

Author Bahá'u'lláh
Author 2
Author 3
Shoghi Effendi
Author 4
Universal House of Justice
Title of item
Primary Source Texts Related to the Covenant
Date of this edition 2021-11
Permission Open copyright (see Baha'i Reference Library sharing terms, BIC copyright statement, and uhj_permission_electronic_texts)
Posted 2021-11-13 by Arjen Bolhuis
Classified in Personal compilations
Abstract Collection of some essential writings central to understanding the Bahá'í Covenant.
Notes This page was inspired by a bundle published by the Dutch Bahá'í community in November 2021. See also Texts for the Study of the Covenant (

The contents of the below files were taken from, edited by Arjen Bolhuis (exception: the compilation "The Covenant" is mirrored here without any layout changes).

Tags * Basics; Abdul-Baha, Station of; Abdul-Baha, Will and Testament of; Bab, Station of; Bahaullah, Station of; Constitutions (Bahai); Covenant (general); Dispensation of Bahaullah (letter); Guardianship; Kitab-i-Ahd (Book of the Covenant); Universal House of Justice (UHJ general); Universal House of Justice, Constitution of
Cross-referencesSee also The Covenant, and
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2024-01-04 02:21 EDT. See previous versions [].

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