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"Alessandro Bausani"

  1. 'Abdu'l-Bahá: Life and Teachings, by Alessandro Bausani and Denis MacEoin, in Encyclopaedia Iranica, Volume 1:1 (1985). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite. Encyclopedia articles. [about]
  2. Die Perser: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, by Alessandro Bausani (1965). Brief overview of the early years of the Bahá'í Faith. Book excerpts. [about]
  3. Historia de la Religión desde la Perspectiva Bahá'í, by Alessandro Bausani (2003?). Unpublished Articles. [about]
  4. Islam in the History of Religions, by Alessandro Bausani, in Problems and Methods in the History of Religions (1972). Methodological reflection on the question: how much does the study of so-called "superior" religions fit into the history of religions as a unitary discipline? Published Articles. [about]
  5. Kitáb-i-Aqdas, by Alessandro Bausani, in Encyclopaedia Iranica, Volume 2 (1987). Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use." Encyclopedia articles. [about]
  6. Reflections on the Spiritual Dynamics of the Bahá'í Faith, by Alessandro Bausani, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 1:1 (1988). The spiritual force released by Bahá’u’lláh has the power to change the entire world; he has given us the power both to understand human problems and to correct them; the gathering together of Bahá’ís in prayer will augment these spiritual forces. Published Articles. [about]
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