- Peter Smith, Moojan Momen. Babi Movement, The: A Resource Mobilization Perspective (1986). Babism from a sociological standpoint, esp. the place of the Babis in their contemporary cultural and economic classes. Articles.
- Peter Smith. Bahá'í Communities (1989). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite. Encyclopedia.
- Peter Smith, Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Faith 1957-1988, The: A Survey of Contemporary Developments (1989). A general account of developments in the Bahá'í Faith during these three decades. Articles.
- Phillip Smith. Bahá'í Faith and Religious Diversity (1991). The Bahá'í principal of unity in diversity as applied to religious pluralism. Articles.
- Peter Smith. Bahá'í Faith in the West, The: A Survey (2004). General account of the development and expansion of the Faith in Europe and North America 1894-1994, including distribution and social composition of contemporary communities. Includes Foreword to the volume. Articles.
- Moojan Momen, Peter Smith. Bahá'í History (1993). A general survey of the history of the Bahá'í Faith, including a brief overview of main events in Bábí and Bahá'í history. Next, a series of themes that have developed throughout Bahá'í history is examined. Encyclopedia.
- Peter Smith. Bahá'í Studies videos (2013). Twelve introductory videos about Bahá'í history, practice, and teachings. Video.
- Peter Smith. Baha'i Studies Youtube Playlist (2020). Link to Smith's videos on Bábí and Bahá'í history: Emergence of the Bábí movement; Bábí conflict and collapse; development of a new religion; Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í beliefs and practice; geo-cultural breakthroughs; expansion of the Bahá'í Faith. Video.
- Peter Smith, ed. Bahá'ís in the West (2004). Essays and illustrations on the beginnings of the Faith in Australia and New Zealand, Denmark, Hungary, and the United States. Books.
- Phillip Smith. Development and Influence of the Bahá'í Administrative Order in Great Britain, 1914-1950 (1992). Overview of this history: the early years; the Bahá'í councils; the guardianship of Shoghi Effendi; problems and difficulties; resurgence; establishing the Faith; spreading the Faith. Articles.
- Peter Smith, ed. In Iran (1986). Essays on Bábí-Bahá'í history, sociology, and theology in Iran. Books.
- Peter Smith. Introduction to the Baha'i Faith (2019). A look at the central features of the Baha’i Faith, including its history, and the key beliefs, organisation and world-view of the Baha’i community (archived copy, original offline). Articles.
- Muhammad Afnan, Todd Lawson, Peter Smith, et al.. Letters of the Living (Hurúf al-Hayy) (2009). Title given by the Báb to His first eighteen disciples. Encyclopedia.
- Peter Smith, Moojan Momen. Martyrs, Bábí (2005). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite. Encyclopedia.
- Peter Smith. Membership, Joining and Leaving Religious Movements and Organizations (2020). Reflections from the perspective of sociology of religion on belonging, joining, and leaving a faith group: membership, conversion, 'deconversion,' and sociological factors impacting conversion and deconversion; includes videos. Articles-unpublished.
- Peter Smith. Note on Babi and Baha'i Numbers in Iran, A (1984). Estimates, sources, and bibliography for early Bábí and Bahá'í populations. Resources.
- Peter Smith. Reality Magazine: Editorship and Ownership of an American Bahá'í Periodical (1984). Development and eventual demise of an independent publication from the early years of the Faith in America. Articles.
- Peter Smith. Routinization of Charisma?, The: Some Comments on “Motif Messianique et Processus Social dans le Bahá'ísme” (1998-11). Discussion of sociologist Peter Berger and themes from his dissertation "From Sect to Church: A Sociological Interpretation of the Bahá'í Movement." Articles-unpublished.
- Peter Smith. Short Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith, A (2013). Summary prepared for the Virginia Commonwealth University website on religious movements. Includes short history, doctrines and beliefs, Bahá'í practices, issues and challenges, and references. Introductory.