Bahai Library Online

Documents by Eamonn Moane

4 results

  1. Eamonn Moane. Evolution and Baha'i Belief, by Keven Brown and Eberhard von Kitzing: Review and Commentary (2004). Lengthy overview of the Bahá'í response to Darwinism and the concepts of parallel evolution and species change. Articles.
  2. Eamonn Moane. Ireland's Multi-Ethnic Immigration Challenge: An Irish Bahá'í View (2002). After centuries of population loss, Ireland’s economic success in the 1990s led to a surge of immigration, but its reaction to a multi-ethnic influx has been disappointing. It needs Bahá'í approaches like consultation, tolerance, fairness, and morality. Articles.
  3. Eamonn Moane. Perspectives on the Global Economy at the Dawn of the 21st Century: An Irish Bahá'í View (2001). The state and issues of the global economy, including Ireland, at the start of the 21st century. Though not intended to be a general Bahá’í critique of the world economy, the paper concludes with a Bahá’í contribution to the issues raised. Articles.
  4. Eamonn Moane. Perspectives on the Inseparable Twin Duties Prescribed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (2003). Religions differ in the balance of faith versus good works, the grace of God versus human strivings, and the scheme of salvation. To Bahá'ís, recognizing the Prophet and obedience to his laws are equal duties. For salvation, faith surpasses deeds. Articles.
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