Can There Be a Bahá'í Poetry?. Geoffrey Nash (1981). The poetic vision; poetry in the 1800s; themes of Bahá'í poetry; the use of profane imagery. Essays.
Oppression and Universalism in Selected Palestinian and Bahá'í Poetry: A Contrastive Analysis. Geoffrey Nash (2022-12). Contrast of literatures informed by dispossession and oppression; the thought and context of Bahá'í poet Robert Hayden (1913-80) and Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008); martyrdom; universal humanism. Link to article (offsite). Articles-unpublished.
What is Bahá'í Orientalism?. Geoffrey Nash (2021). Postcolonial theory can help analyze religious writing; Edward Said and the concept of mutual othering; power and knowledge are linked in the production of Orientalist discourse. Link to article (offsite). Articles.
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