- Ahmadiya Movement, The. H. A. Walter (1918). Old commentary on similarities and difference between the Ahmadiya and Bábí-Bahá'í movements. Excerpts.
- Bahá'í Educational Project, The: Towards a Universal System of Education. Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2000). Interpretation of guidance in the Baha' writings to formulate a method of using Bahá'í deepening and training materials that utilize research-based learning, teaching, and curriculum theory, both deductive and inductive, beyond institute-style courses. Articles.
- Comments on "Infallible Institutions?" by Udo Shaefer and "Response" by Peter Terry. Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2020/2023). Thoughts on infallibility of the Universal House of Justice through a case study of predictions regarding the "unity of nations" and the Lesser Peace by the year 2000. Essays.
- Consciousness. Wm. Keith Bookwalter (1996). Thoughts on a Bahá'í approach to human consciousness which the author terms "A Physical / Psychospiritual Theory of Consciousness"; Bahá'u'lláh's teachings on consciousness and the body / brain / mind / soul connection; the "ghost in the human machine." Articles-unpublished.
- El proyecto educacional Bahá'í hacia un sistema universal de educacion. Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2000). Las principales tareas que enfrentan hoy los educadores baha'is y que constituyen lo que he denominado como "El proyecto educacional baha'i", y los obstaculos como las oportunidades frente a la generación actual de escolares y educadores baha'is. Articles.
- My Memories of Stanwood Cobb. Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2024-08-19). Brief recollections of meeting Cobb in 1973 at Ohio State University on a lecture tour. Includes bibliography, biography, and supplementary information about Cobb. Essays.
- On Marie Watson's Pilgrim's Notes Titled "Fourth Dimensional Consciousness". Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2020-05). Circumstances regarding notes that Watson took from interpreted statements made by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during her pilgrimage in 1921. Essays.
- Potentialities and their Manifestation: A Selection of Passages from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb and from the Writings and Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Wm. Keith Bookwalter, comp. (2024-06-20). Compilation of quotations on one of the Bahá'í Faith's basic ideas, that Bahá'u'lláh calls upon us to "manifest the potentialities," the gems of our inborn nature via a "proper education." Compilations-personal.
- Who Was Daniel Jordan?: A Tribute. Wm. Keith Bookwalter (1992/2023). Detailed overview of the life and thought of Dr. Jordan, philosopher and educator. Essays.
- Zustände im Heutigen Persien wie sie das Reisebuch Ibrahim Begs Enthüllt. Walter Schulz (1903). Passing mentions of the Babis and their persecutions in the context of the travels through Iran of the fictitious character Ibrahím Bayg. Excerpts.