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38 results

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  1. Answered Questions, Some: A Philosophical Perspective. Ian Kluge (2009). Philosophical foundations of the Bahá’í teachings, including ontology, theology, epistemology, philosophical anthropology and psychology, and personal and social ethics. Articles.
  2. Apologetics: A Personal Vision. Ian Kluge (2001-09). Argument for the need for and practice of academic defense of the Bahá'í Faith. Essays.
  3. Aristotelian Substratum of the Bahá'í Writings, The. Ian Kluge (2003). There is a pervasive and far-reaching congruence of Aristotle and the Bahá’í Writings. This Aristotelian substratum makes it is possible to resolve many apparent paradoxes in the Writings. Articles.
  4. Bahá'í Ethics in Light of Scripture, by Udo Schaefer: Review. Ian Kluge (2015). Reviews.
  5. Bahá'í Faith in America as Panopticon 1963-1997, by Juan Cole: Review. Ian Kluge (1999). Reviews.
  6. Bahá'í Ontology, Part One: An Initial Reconnaissance. Ian Kluge (2005). An initial survey and explication of the ontology implicit in the Bahá'í Writings, particularly regarding the nature of human existence; the philosophy of Nietzsche and some of his modern successors. Articles.
  7. Bahá'í Ontology, Part Two: Further Explorations. Ian Kluge (2006). A further exploration of Bahá'í ontology: becoming and change; substance, soul, and identity; the nature of being and nothingness; time; the one and the many; the nature of things; what makes something real; social ontology; Buddhism and Hegel Articles.
  8. Bahá'í Philosophy of Human Nature, The. Ian Kluge (2017). How the essential reality of the individual — the human soul and its powers of rational thought, willpower, memory, and reflection — translates these capacities into physical action through the intermediary of the brain. Articles.
  9. Bahá'í Writings and Kant's "Perpetual Peace", The. Ian Kluge (2012). Kant's Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (1795) outlined practical steps necessary to end war through the establishment of a "league of peace" and a union of nations. This essay traces similarities between Kant's and Bahá'í proposals. Articles.
  10. Bahá'í Writings and the Buddhist Doctrine of Emptiness, The: An Initial Survey. Ian Kluge (2019). Agreements and convergence of the Buddhist concept of sunyata with the Bahá'í Writings. Articles.
  11. Bahá'í Writings, Philosophy and Environment. Ian Kluge (2009-08). Philosophy is one of the most under-utilized resources in the quest for an improved psycho-spiritual environment and an improved relationship to the natural world. Articles-unpublished.
  12. Bahá'í Writings, The: A Meta-ethical Excursion. Ian Kluge (2014). Philosophical examination of the Writings' ethical teachings, how they relate to the major ethical systems proposed in the past, and how they deal with some of the difficulties inherent in past systems. Articles.
  13. Bouddhisme et foi bahá'íe: Un rapprochement ontologique. Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. (2011). Le bouddhisme c’est l’une des Révélations divines historiques; c’est aussi l’une des religions de nos voisins que nous voulons mieux comprendre; une étude nous fera mieux comprendre l’affirmation bahá’íe que toutes les religions sont unes par essence. Articles.
  14. Buddhism and the Bahá'í Writings: An Ontological Rapprochement. Ian Kluge (2007). The Bahá'í Faith and Buddhism are two different and apparently incompatible religions, but they share fundamental ontological principles. Thus, their analyses of reality and what it means 'to be' are largely compatible. Articles.
  15. Call into Being: Introduction to a Bahá'í Existentialism. Ian Kluge (2003). An existential approach to the Writings and their Aristotelian substratum provides a bridge between an abstract understanding and the actual exigencies of daily life. Articles.
  16. Coming Out. Ian Kluge (2001). Short, humorous play depicting the confusions that can result from trying to be too delicate in announcing one's commitment to the Bahá'í Faith. Fiction.
  17. Ernst Bloch's Philosophy of Hope and the Bahá'í Writings. Ian Kluge (2012). This Marxist thinker, like the Bahá'í perspective, adheres to an evolutionary worldview: reality is a teleological process in which all things strive to actualize their inherent potentials and complete themselves in their highest possible condition. Articles.
  18. Ethics Based on Science Alone?. Ian Kluge (2015). A critique of the idea that ethics can be based on science alone; questions of legitimacy and authority in ethics; reflections on Sam Harris' book The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. Articles.
  19. Freedom and the Bahá'í Writings. Ian Kluge (2018). Bahá'í philosophy is based on principles of reason and non-contradiction. It is coherent because its teachings are interdependent and mutually supportive. The Writings cover a spectrum of issues about freedom and the metaphysical basis of free will. Articles.
  20. Grand Narratives and the Bahá'í Writings. Ian Kluge (2017). Exploration of Bahá'í teachings, inspired by the Guardian's call to "analyse the principles of the Faith and to correlate them with the modern aspects of philosophy and science," and on the thought of Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee and Pitirim Sorokin. Articles.
  21. La Raison dans les Ecrits baha'is: Son importance, sa fonction, son usage. Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. (2013). French translation of "Reason and the Bahá'í Writings." Articles.
  22. Le nouvel athéisme: une réponse bahá'íe. Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. (2011). L’auteur montre, par une lecture minutieuse, la faiblesse des arguments de ces nouveaux athées qui connaissent un grand succès de librairie, et leur ignorance, surprenante parfois, des concepts philosophiques les plus élémentaires. Articles.
  23. Legacies of the Heart, by Larry Rowdon: Review. Ian Kluge (1999). Reviews.
  24. Light, The. Ian Kluge (2001). True life war story of an unexpected encounter with the miraculous in a large asylum for the incurably insane. Fiction.
  25. Neoplatonism and the Bahá'í Writings, Part 1. Ian Kluge (2010). An examination of the Enneads of Plotinus and Proclus’ The Elements of Theology in Bahá'í terms, and as an aid in understanding the nature of the philosophy embedded in the Bahá'í Writings. Part 1. Articles.
  26. Neoplatonism and the Bahá'í Writings, Part 2. Ian Kluge (2011). An examination of the Enneads of Plotinus and Proclus’ The Elements of Theology in Bahá'í terms, and as an aid in understanding the nature of the philosophy embedded in the Bahá'í Writings. Part 2. Articles.
  27. New Atheism, The: A Bahá'í Perspective. Ian Kluge (2009/2012). Logically and philosophically speaking, the works of the "new atheists" are deeply flawed and are often in disagreement with the Bahá’í Writings – though on a number of issues there are points of agreement. Articles-unpublished.
  28. Nietzsche and the Bahá'í Writings: A First Look. Ian Kluge (2016). First version, missing footnotes. See update. Articles.
  29. Nietzsche and the Bahá'í Writings: A First Look (reprint, with footnotes). Ian Kluge (2017). Bahá'í Writings and Nietzsche’s philosophy share a surprising number of features in common that allow us to re-vision Nietzsche from a new perspective. Both analyze reality in Aristotelian terms: actuality/potential; essence/attribute, matter/form, etc. Articles.
  30. Nietzsche et les écrits bahá'ís: Une première approche. Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. (2017). Translation of "Nietzsche and the Bahá'í Writings: A First Look." Articles.
  31. Philosophy Special Interest Group Sessions at the 38th Annual ABS Conference, 2014: Conference Report. Ian Kluge (2014). Summary of four presentations: K. Naimi's "Thinking Sociologically About Independent Investigation," I. Kluge's "Insufficiencies of Secular Humanism," M. Sergeev's "Bahá’í Faith and Modernity," and J. Howden's "Unconscious Civilization." Resources.
  32. Postmodernism and the Bahá'í Writings. Ian Kluge (2008). Whilst the Bahá'í Writings and postmodernism share a variety of ideas at a superficial level, on fundamental issues of ontology, epistemology, philosophical anthropology (theory of man), ethics and cultural theory, they are incompatible. Articles.
  33. Process Philosophy and the Bahá'í Writings: An Initial Exploration. Ian Kluge (2004). An examination of the Bahá'í Writings in relationship to modern process philosophy (e.g. Whitehead, Hartshorne, Cobb, and de Chardin), and some of the issues related to the formulation a unique Bahá'í version of process thought; some relevant topics. Articles.
  34. Procrustes' Bed: The Insufficiency of Secular Humanism. Ian Kluge (2015). Secular humanism’s inability to accommodate the universal presence of religion in human nature undermines its claim to be a viable world-view for mankind and diminishes its internal coherence. Articles.
  35. Reason and the Bahá'í Writings. Ian Kluge (2013). The Bahá'í Faith has much to say on the importance of reason, logic, and a "rational God," but the mind alone is not sufficient to attain transrational understanding. This paper examines the uses and limitations of reason in light of cultural differences. Articles.
  36. Reason and the Bahá'í Writings: The Use and Misuse of Logic and Persuasion. Ian Kluge (2001-09-02). How to study the Bahá'í Writings through the use of logic. Articles-unpublished.
  37. Relativism and the Bahá'í Writings. Ian Kluge (2008). A strident rejection of the philosophical concept of relativism as being incompatible with a Bahá’í perspective, and a critique of Momen's 'Relativism' article on that basis.  Articles.
  38. Un paysage sans soleil: Une éthique scientifique est-elle possible?. Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. (2012). Une réponse à l'affirmation du livre The Moral Lanscape dans lequel la connaissance scientifique et empirique est la seule connaissance valable, qui se réfute elle-même : aucune expérience scientifique ne pourrait prouver ou infirmer cette affirmation. Articles.
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