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List of documents by John S. Hatcher

Author name: John S. Hatcher
variantions: John Hatcher
author tag: John Hatcher

29 results

  1. John S. Hatcher. Amazing Nashville Baha'i Community in the 1960s, The (2019). "From the Editor's Desk": Hatcher's personal memories of time in Nashville; overview of the lives of Robert Hayden and Magdalene Carney. Essays.
  2. John S. Hatcher. Anecdote of the Jar, The (2017). "From the Editor's Desk": Discussion of a piece of pottery by Bernard Leach; overview of the articles and poems in this issue of the Journal. Essays.
  3. John S. Hatcher. Ascent of Mount Carmel, The: Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb (2019). "From the Editor's Desk": Symbolism of the terraces on the shrine of the Bab; St. John's poem "Ascent of Mount Carmel"; overview of the articles in this issue of the Journal. Essays.
  4. John S. Hatcher, Amrollah Hemmat, Ehsanollah Hemmat. Bahá'u'lláh's "Ode of the Dove": A Provisional Translation (2019). A lengthy dialogue between Bahá'u'lláh (as persona/narrator) and the Huriyyih — the Maid of Heaven (a personification of “the Most Great Spirit”). Articles.
  5. John S. Hatcher, Amrollah Hemmat, Ehsanollah Hemmat. Bahá'u'lláh's Symbolic Use of the Veiled Ḥúríyyih (2019). Analyzing some of the meanings behind the appearance of the Veiled Maiden, as alluded to by Bahá'u'lláh in His letters. Articles.
  6. John S. Hatcher. Enigmatic Questions Surrounding the Appearances of the Prophets (2011-03-29). Issues related to the ontology and powers of the Manifestations can test the mettle of even deepened and learned Bahá'ís, but these concepts are central in understanding how the creator employs vicegerents to educate humankind. Video.
  7. John S. Hatcher. Equality of Women, The: The Bahá'í Principle of Complementarity (1990). The Bahá’í teachings simultaneously assert the equality of men and women whilst advocating in some cases distinct duties according to gender. This seems paradoxical, but there can be gender distinction without inequality in status or function.  Articles.
  8. John S. Hatcher. Exploring the Implications of a Conceptual Framework for Action for Bahá'í Scholarship (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": How elements of the conceptual framework that encompasses the vision and activities of the worldwide Bahá’í community can be incorporated into the Association's various initiatives. Essays.
  9. John S. Hatcher. Governance and the Governed: Leadership, Conflict, Resilience, Resolution, and Hope (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": If the purpose of governance and leadership is to respond to the needs of the governed, then what attributes and methodologies should characterize the process of those in positions of authority? Essays.
  10. John S. Hatcher. Helen Elsie Austin (1908-2004) (2019). Overview of the life of the first black woman to graduate from the University of Cincinnati Law School, an active Bahá'í pioneer and travel teacher, and tireless educator on race issues. Essays.
  11. John S. Hatcher. Life as Metaphor (1986). What is the moral rationale for physical reality? What is the proper relationship of human beings to physical reality? There are metaphorical reminders of our true nature and essential reality (e.g. the ageing process). Articles.
  12. John S. Hatcher. List of Articles on (2021). List of online essays and articles by Dr. John Hatcher. Bibliographies.
  13. John S. Hatcher. Louis Gregory (1874-1951) (2019). Overview of the life of a famous Bahá'í lawyer, anti-racism educator and travel-teacher, and Hand of the Cause. Essays.
  14. John S. Hatcher. Methodology and Bahá'í Studies: The Bridge between Realities (2001). The role of Bahá'í academics to bring to light aspects of the dual physical and spiritual aspects of reality. Articles.
  15. John S. Hatcher. Mizán of Affect in Material v. Metaphysical Models of Human Consciousness, The (2023-07). Though Bahá'í teachings hold that the soul progresses after the body ceases to exist, the physical brain is essential to our development; emotional processing requires a healthy brain; the brain-as-transceiver model can help treat affective disorders. Articles.
  16. John S. Hatcher. Nature of Human Nature, The (2017). "From the Editor's Desk": Introduction to this issue's two articles: Ian Kluge's on human nature and Patricia McIlvride’s on mental disorders and depression, stigma, and the soul. Essays.
  17. Iraj Ayman, John S. Hatcher, Craig Loehle. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentaries and Responses (1992). Reviews.
  18. Robert E. Hayden, Douglas Ruhe, John S. Hatcher. Place of Poetry in Religion and Society, The: An Interview of Robert E. Hayden with Douglas Ruhe (2014). Introduction by Hatcher to the life of Hayden (2014); transcript of a talk between Hayden and Douglas Ruhe in 1975 on the future of poetry, transcendence, American destiny, important American poets, the Library of Congress, and Bahá'í spirituality. Biographies.
  19. John S. Hatcher. Racial Identity and the Patterns of Consolation in the Poetry of Robert Hayden (1990). The dramatic tension in Robert Hayden’s poetry has often been mistaken for personal ambivalence and confusion with regard to both his ethnic identity and his beliefs as a Bahá’í — rather than the clear pattern of consolation that unites them. Articles.
  20. John S. Hatcher, ed. Reflections on the Art of My Poetry: An Interview of Roger White (1929-1993) (2016). A glimpse into the mind of a gifted poet and the struggles that he, like many Bahá'í artists, encountered in responding to Bahá'u'lláh's exhortation that art best serves humanity when it elevates and edifies the soul and its spiritual receptivity. Articles.
  21. John S. Hatcher, ed, Amrollah Hemmat, ed. Reunion with the Beloved: Poetry and Martyrdom (2004-06). Poetry by or in honor of early Bábí and Bahá'í martyrs. Includes foreword by Hushmand Fatheazam, and discussion of the concept of martyrdom, cultural issues, and history of persecutions. Books.
  22. John S. Hatcher. Road Less Travelled By, The (2017). "From the Editor's Desk": Overview of this issue's articles regarding racism and proper responses to it, both among the general population and within the Bahá'í community itself. Essays.
  23. John S. Hatcher, Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian. Mark Towfiq, comp. Role of the Scholar: Scholarship and the Covenant (1996-03-31). Essays "The New Role of the Scholar in Bahá'í Society" and "Scholarship and the Covenant." Essays.
  24. John S. Hatcher. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Vision of Reality (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": Understanding the various aspects of reality in contemporary fields of study can be enhanced when approached from a Bahá'í perspective. Essays.
  25. John S. Hatcher. Spiritual Nature of Reality, The: Has the Future Already Been Written? (2000). Meditations on "Who is Writing the Future": why is spiritual development a social as well as personal matter; what is epistemological methodology for this development; how is it distinct from materialism; and how does it relate to the Covenants? Articles.
  26. John S. Hatcher. Still the Most Challenging Issue (2019). "From the Editor's Desk": On race, racism, and the American Bahá'í community. Essays.
  27. John S. Hatcher. Unsealing the Choice Wine at the Family Reunion (1994). Bahá’í scripture portrays human progress as propelled by two inextricably related capacities: independently acquired knowledge coupled with social action; in revelation this dynamic relationship is symbolized by the Kitáb-i-Íqán and and the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Articles.
  28. John S. Hatcher. Unveiling the Huri of Love (2005). Three versions of this paper: Powerpoint presentation, audio file, and published article. Articles.
  29. John S. Hatcher. Vision of the Future, A (2016). "From the Editor's Desk": Introductory notes to JBS volume 26:4, announcing that JBS is now free for sharing, with new articles posted freely online. Essays.
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