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"Kamran Ekbal"

  1. Bagdádi Family, by Kamran Ekbal, in Encyclopaedia Iranica (2014). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite. Encyclopedia articles. [about]
  2. Browne, Edward Granville: Persian Constitutional movement, by Kamran Ekbal, in Encyclopaedia Iranica, Volume 4 (1990). Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite. Encyclopedia articles. [about]
  3. Christian Faith and the Formation of the Principles of Ideas and its Church Organizations, The, by Kamran Ekbal (2011). On the Christian religion and the process of formulating principles, concepts, and organizational structure in relation to the history of religious thought. [article in Persian] Unpublished Articles. [about]
  4. Colonialism, Nationalism and Jewish Immigration to Palestine: Abdu'l-Baha's Viewpoints Regarding the Middle East, by Kamran Ekbal (2014). Abdu'l-Bahá was opposed to the cultural and political colonialism of foreign powers and their militaries. In spite of the Bahá'í principle of abstaining from politics, exceptions can be made in the face of tyranny and injustice. Unpublished Articles. [about]
  5. Der Messianismus des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts und die Entstehung der Baha'i Religion, by Kamran Ekbal, in Iran im 19. Jahrhundert und die Entstehung der Bahá'í Religion, eds. Johann Christoph Bürgel and Isabel Schayani (1998). On the resurgence of a millenarianistic climate in the 19th century from China through the Middle-East to the USA. It highlights the millenniarist mood in Iran at the time of the beginnings of the Bábí and Bahai religions. Published Articles. [about]
  6. Die deutsche Auswanderung 1816/1817 in den Kaukasus und ihre millenaristischen Hintergründe, by Kamran Ekbal, in Beiträge des 'Irfán-Kolloqiums, 3 (2006). The phenomenon of emigration from Germany to the Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan around 1816-1817, and its messianic background. Published Articles. [about]
  7. Execution of the Jews of Banu Quraida and the Conquest of Persia, The: The Dilemma of Early Islam, by Kamran Ekbal, in Iran Nameh (2014). Abdu'l-Bahá's views on the mass execution of the Banu Qurayza Jews in Medina in 627 A.D. [article in Persian]. Published Articles. [about]
  8. Ihsan'u'llah Khan Dustdar, die Kaukasischen Revolutionare und die Grundung der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepublik Iran 1920-1921, by Kamran Ekbal, in Osmanismus, Nationalismus und der Kaukasus: Muslime und Christen, Turken und Armenier im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (2005). Dustdar was a Bahai commander of the Persian Red Army who in 1920-1921 landed with his revolutionary Persian Forces on the southern shores of the Caspian to establish the Socialist Soviet Republic of Iran. Published Articles. [about]
  9. Islamische Grundlagen des Kitáb-i Aqdas: Mit neuen Erkenntnissen zu seiner Datierung, by Kamran Ekbal, in Iran im 19. Jahrhundert und die Entstehung der Bahá'í Religion, eds. Johann Christoph Bürgel and Isabel Schayani (1998). Published Articles. [about]
  10. Kitáb-i Aqdas of Mírzá Husain `Alí Núrí, Bahá'u'lláh, The: Redating its Beginnings, by Kamran Ekbal, in Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Iranian Studies, Part 2: Mediaeval and Modern Persian Studies (1999). The exact date when the Aqdas was written is unclear. It may have been composed over a period of about five years and in different locations. Published Articles. [about]
  11. Quranic Roots of Some Legal and Theological Terms of the Kitáb-i Aqdas Regarding Women and Homosexual Relations, The, by Kamran Ekbal (1995). Interpretations and etymologies of Arabic terms for prostitution, virginity, dowry, menstruation, sodomy, pederasty, uncleanliness, and adultery. Unpublished Articles. [about]
  12. Rejoinder to Ata Arjomand, by Kamran Ekbal, in Iran Nameh, 29:1 (2014 Spring). [article in Persian] Essays and short articles. [about]
  13. Revelation of Islam and the Power of the Messenger, The, by Kamran Ekbal (n.d.). [article in Persian] Unpublished Articles. [about]
  14. Tablet to Hardegg (Lawh-i-Hirtík): A Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh to the Templer Leader Georg David Hardegg, by Stephen Lambden and Kamran Ekbal, in Lights of Irfan, 4 (2003). A Tablet addressed to the German Templer/Templar leader Georg David Hardegg including the proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh as the Promised One and the return of the Father to earth. Published Articles. [about]
  15. Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh to Muhammad Mustafa Baghdadi, by Kamran Ekbal, in Safineh Irfan, 4 (2001). Review of the tablets of Bahá'u'lláh addressed to Muhammad Mustafa Baghdadi. [article in Persian] Published Articles. [about]
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