- `Abdu'l-Bahá's 1912 Howard University Speech: A Civil War Discourse for Interracial Emancipation. Christopher Buck, Nahzy Abadi Buck (2012-12-22). Presentation at Grand Canyon Bahá'í Conference on Abdu'l-Bahá and the Black Intelligentsia, especially W. E. B. Du Bois; his speech to the NAACP; and reproductions of many newspaper clippings covering his visit to Washington, DC. Presentations.
- Crown of Glory: Memoirs of Jinab-i-Aziz'u'llah Azizi. Aziz'u'llah Azizi, Nahzy Abadi Buck, trans, Christopher Buck, trans. (1991). Autobiography of Jináb-i-Azízí, "the Tailor," a companion of 'Abdu'l-Bahá who travelled with the Master to London and Paris, and also met with Shoghi Effendi. Includes photographs, and provisional translations of several Tablets. Books.
- Homosexuality in the Baha'i Faith and in World Religions. Christopher Buck, Nahzy Abadi Buck (2004-08-01). Slides of two presentations: Christopher Buck's "Homosexuality in World Religions" and Nahzy Buck's "Homosexuality in the Bahá'í Faith." Presentations.
- Tablet of Glad-Tidings: A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen. Christopher Buck, Nahzy Abadi Buck (2012-12-24). The Lawh-i-Bishárát as a Proclamatory Aqdas and public announcement of principles from 'The Most Holy Book'; a proclamation to scholars and statesmen; Cambridge manuscripts from the E.G. Browne Collection; response to modernity; Persian original. Presentations.
- Tablet to Hájí Muhammad-Nasír-i-Qazvíní (Lawh-i-Hájí Muhammad-Nasír-i-Qazvíní): Excerpts. Bahá'u'lláh, Nahzy Abadi Buck, trans, Christopher Buck, trans. (1986). Excerpts translated by Christopher and Nahzy Buck in Studies in Bábí and Bahá’í History vol. 3 (Kalimát Press, 1986) and by Shoghi Effendi in Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh. Translations.
- World Into One Nation, The: World Peace and the Bahá'í Faith. Nahzy Abadi Buck (1981-06). How a whole human society, united and cooperative, can be like a single family. Includes overview of opinions of world leaders on the Bahá'í Faith, essential elements of the Faith, cooperation of the Bahá'í International Community with the United Nations. Theses.