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"Tom Price"

  1. Creating a New Mind, by Tom Price (2009-09). Examines the science of spirituality, exploring principles of personal transformation and practical ways Bahá'ís can apply the teachings to effect positive change in their own lives. Audio. [about]
  2. Five-Year Plan: Three Talks, by Tom Price (2011-09). Three audio talks: "The Organic Process of the Five Year Plan," "The Twofold Mission of the Five Year Plan," and "The High Calling of the Five Year Plan" Audio. [about]
  3. Homosexuality and the Bahá'í Faith, by Tom Price (2012-06-07). Homosexuality and the Bahá'í teachings in the light of human rights, prejudice, and science. Audio. [about]
  4. Recreating Ourselves in the Image of the Master, by Tom Price (2012). Program discussing how we can become more like 'Abdu'l-Bahá in our daily lives. Each of the six talks meditates on one quality. Audio. [about]
  5. Spirituality of Games, by Tom Price (2012). Talk on the science of spirituality as it relates to a quotation of Abdu'l-Bahá comparing life to a game: what are the rules of life, and how does one win the "game" of life? Audio. [about]
  6. Transformation of the World, by Tom Price (2008-08). Explores the harmony of religion and science, the concept that the physical world is a mirror of the spiritual world, and how spiritual insight can be gained through a scientific study of the analogies presented in the Bahá'í writings. Audio. [about]
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