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Program discussing how we can become more like 'Abdu'l-Bahá in our daily lives. Each of the six talks meditates on one quality.
This talk was presented at various summer schools around the world in summer 2012: Florida, Tennessee, Sweden, Scotland, Holland, Denmark, Slovakia, Greece, and Romania. This recording was made at the Tennessee Bahá'í School.

Mirrored with permission from

Recreating Ourselves in the Image of the Master

by Tom Price

Part 1: price_recreating_ourselves_1.mp3   [68 MB, 73 min.]
Part 2: price_recreating_ourselves_2.mp3   [68 MB, 73 min.]
Part 3: price_recreating_ourselves_3.mp3   [43 MB, 47 min.]
Part 4: price_recreating_ourselves_4.mp3   [70 MB, 76 min.]
Part 5: price_recreating_ourselves_5.mp3   [57 MB, 62 min.]
Part 6: price_recreating_ourselves_6.mp3   [47 MB, 50 min.]

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