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List of documents by William F. McCants

Author name: William F. McCants

15 results

  1. Michael Cook, William F. McCants. Affairs of the Heart: Early Theophanic Interpretations of Muhammad's Relationship with the Divine (2001). The relationship between God and humanity is one of the principal motifs of the Qur’an; the human heart is the locus of understanding and divine guidance; exegesis of Surat an-Najm, "The Star." Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith. Articles-unpublished.
  2. William F. McCants. Arabic Grammar of the Báb, The (2002). Muslim detractors of the Bab have often criticized his grammar. Did the Bab make grammatical errors due to a poor knowledge of the language, or did he intentionally coin a new grammar? Articles-unpublished.
  3. Bahá'u'lláh. William F. McCants, trans. Changing Pronouns and Dropping 'Say' in Prayers (2010-09). One short paragraph which explains that it is acceptable to substitute "and make him" with "and make me" when reciting prayers. It is also acceptable to omit the prefatory "Say" in invocations. Translations.
  4. Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani. William F. McCants, trans, William F. McCants, comp. Command and Creation (Amr va Khalq): Translation of Index and Catalog of Contents (2018). Translation of Mazandarani's Table of Contents for his compilation of Baha'i Writings from 1945 — some not published elsewhere — and a catalog of the contents of each section by McCants, with some notes and partial translations of select passages. Bibliographies.
  5. William F. McCants, John Walbridge, Frank Lewis, et al.. Richard C. Martin, ed. Encyclopedia of Islam and The Muslim World (2004). Articles on Abdu'l-Bahá, the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, Hujjatiya, Persian language and literature, Shaykhism, and Twelver Shi'ism. Encyclopedia.
  6. William F. McCants. Grammar of the Divine, A: Translation, Notes, and Semi-Critical Edition of the Bāb's Risāla fī al-naḥw wa al-ṣarf (2012). A critical edition of the Bāb’s "Treatise on Grammar" including the Arabic original, English translation, and notes; Shaykh Ahmad’s metaphysical grammar; the operation of God's will in the created world. Articles.
  7. William F. McCants. Hiding in Plain Sight: The Case for the Authenticity of an Alternative Portrait of the Bab (2021-08). On the possibility that a painting reproduced in a book from 1909 could in fact be a portrait of the Báb. Presentations.
  8. William F. McCants, Kavian Sadeghzade Milani. History and Provenance of an Early Manuscript of the Nuqtat al-kaf dated 1268 (1851-52), The (2004-09). Much controversy has surrounded the early Bábí MSS, the Nuqtat al-kaf. Some of these are resolved by study of a copy discovered in Princeton’s collection of Bábí works, which confirms its value as an important source for understanding early Bábí history. Articles.
  9. William F. McCants. "I Never Understood Any of This from 'Abbás Effendi": Muhammad 'Abduh's Knowledge of the Bahá'í Teachings and His Friendship with 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2004). Muhammad Abduh (1849–1905) was a journalist, revolutionary, professor, and later Grand Mufti of Egypt, who befriended and corresponded with the Master; the role of Muhammad Rashíd Ridá; Abdu’l-Bahá's 1885 letter to Abduh. Articles.
  10. William F. McCants. Multivalent Mahdihood: Karim Khan Kirmani's Early Critique of the Multiple Claims of the Bab (2003). Shaykhi critiques of the Qayyum al-asma; the nature of the Báb's gradually unfolding claims, first as a báb to imam and qá'ím and finally prophethood; the Báb's concept of religious authority. Articles-unpublished.
  11. William F. McCants, comp. Portal of God's Grace, A: Passages on Life after Death in the Baha'i Writings (2020). This fleeting life; death as a portal of joy and grace; the nature of the next life and other worlds; actions in this life and recompense in the next; spiritual progress; sanctified souls. Includes some new provisional translations. Compilations-personal.
  12. Vahid Behmardi, William F. McCants. Stylistic Analysis of the Báb's Writings, A: Abridged Translation of Vahid Behmardi's Muqaddamih-yi dar bárih-yi sabk va siyáq-i áthár-i mubárakih-yi ḥaḍrat-i rabb a`lá (2007). English translation by McCants of Behmardi's Persian article "Stylistic Analysis of the Báb’s Writings". Articles.
  13. Bahá'u'lláh. William F. McCants, trans. Tablet on the Birth of the Greatest Name II (Lawh-i-Imawlud-i-'Ism-i-A'zám) (1999-11). Tablet revealed in commemoration of Bahá'u'lláh's birthday (November 12, 1817). Translations.
  14. Abdu'l-Bahá. William F. McCants, trans, Steven Phelps, trans. Tablet on the Inmost Heart (2001). On the four balances (scales) with which people weigh reality, significance, and the divine questions: the balance of the senses, the balance of reason, the balance of tradition, and the balance of inspiration; the divine balance is the inmost heart. Translations.
  15. William F. McCants. Wronged One, The: Shí'í Narrative Structure in Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of Visitation for Mullá Husayn (2002). On the martyrdom of Mulla Husayn, the structure of sacrificial and devotional narratives, and Shi'i antecedents. Articles.
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