THROUGH the columns of Tide, a magazine devoted to the science,
art and practice of profitable publicity, comes an extended announcement
of a "low-pressure advertising campaign" about to be launched by the
central organization of the Bahá'í faith. A recognized firm of
advertising experts and agents has been employed, and "an initial budget
of $30,000 has been set up to cover public relations counsel,
advertising and educational work." Two lines of approach are to be
followed: one directed toward the general public, through Newsweek
and similar periodicals; the other aimed at the makers and molders
of publicity, through trade journals of the publishing and broadcasting
industries. The plan is all right. The Bahá'ís have something to sell.
In the wider aspects of their faith, it is a creed of universal
brotherhood, interracial and international good will, the "spiritual
oneness of mankind," and therefore of peace on earth. It is perhaps this
side that will receive the most conspicuous publicity.
To make the picture complete it should also include not only the
magnificent Bahá'í temple on Chicago's north shore, as it doubtless
will, but also quite specific information about the claims of special
divine inspiration and authority for Baha u'llah and his son,
Abdu'l-Bahá, and the unique position of the present hereditary incumbent,
Shoghi Effendi, and about the highly centralized control which is
exercised over the cult's teaching, publication and administration. It
is interesting, and may be helpfully suggestive to other religious
bodies, to see how this worthy group, which had its origins among the
Mohammedans of Persia about a century ago, makes use of the most modern
techniques for making friends and influencing people - especially in the
second section of its advertising campaign which is directed toward
making friends of those who are in a position to influence people.