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Date 1842-00-00, sorted by event description, ascending

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1842 - 1843
Birth of Hájí Ákhúnd (Mullá `Alí-Akbar Shahmírzádí), (d. 4 March 1910 in Tehran) in Shahmírzád, near Semnān [Simnán]. He was named a Hand of the Cause by Bahá'u'lláh. [Bahá'í Encylopedia Project; EB266; MoF9-12] - Births and deaths; - Births and deaths; - Hands of the Cause; Hájí Ákhúnd (Mullá `Alí-Akbar-i-Shahmírzádí); Hands appointed by Bahá'u'lláh; Iran; Shahmirzad, Iran
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