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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1922-04-03, sorted by date, descending

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1922 Apr
To the United States and Canada Shoghi Effendi sent a message to transform the 'Executive Board' into a legislative institution. [CB293; CT160; ER211-12; PP56]
  • It had been functioning since 1909 concerned mostly with the construction of the Bahá'í House of Worship.
  • This year the elected members of the Executive Board Bahá'í Temple Unity were: Mountfort Mills. Annie L. Parmerton. Bernard M. Jacobsen. Arthur S. Agnew. Corinne True. William H. Hoar. Joseph H. Hannen. Roy C. Wilhelm.
  • He addressed his first letter to this body as the "National Spiritual Assembly of the United States" on December 23rd however in God Passes By pg333 he stated that the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States was not formed until 1925. [SETPE1p107, CT160, CoB293]
  • * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); Bahá'í Temple Unity; Chicago, IL; Executive Board of the Bahá'í Temple Unity; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette; National Spiritual Assemblies; Spiritual Assemblies; United States (USA)
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