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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1940-00-00-0, sorted by date, ascending

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1940 (In the decade)
By the mid-1940s Corporal Thomas Bereford Macauley became a Bahá'í in Nigeria, the first Bahá'í in the country. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Nigeria first Bahá’í in Nigeria
1940 (in the decade)
The first Bahá'ís to reside in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) were Mr Rajah Ali Vahdat and Mme Marthe Molitor. - Travel teachers and pioneers, First; Congo, Democratic Republic of first resident Bahá’ís in Belgian Congo
1940 (in the decade)
The first Egyptian Bahá'í summer school was held in the mid-1940s. Egypt; First summer and winter schools; Summer schools first Egyptian Bahá’í summer school
1940 (In the year)
Eleanor Smith Adler, a new Bahá'í from Los Angeles, settled in La Paz, the first pioneer to Bolivia. Bolivia; Eleanor Smith Adler; La Paz, Bolivia first pioneer to Bolivia
1940 (In the year)
Marcia Atwater, from the United States, arrived in Santiago, Chile, as the first long-term pioneer. - Travel teachers and pioneers, First; Chile; Marcia Atwater; Santiago, Chile first long-term pioneer
1940 (In the year)
Narayenrao Rangnath Shethji, a Bahá'í from India surnamed Vakíl, visited Nepal, the first Bahá'í to do so. Narayenrao Rangnath Shethji Vakil; Nepal first Bahá’í to visit Nepal
1940 (In the year)
The publication of I, Mary Magdalen by Juliet Thompson. It was a novel with a semi-autobiographical account of her contact with 'Abdu'l-Bahá. [Collins7.2554] I, Mary Magdalen; Juliet Thompson; New York, USA; United States (USA)
1940 (In the year)
A Bahá'í centre was opened in Havana, Cuba, and an organized group was formed. Cuba; Havana, Cuba; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres)
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