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Search for tag "Marcia Atwater"

from the chronology

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1940 (In the year) Marcia Atwater, from the United States, arrived in Santiago, Chile, as the first long-term pioneer. Santiago; Chile Marcia Atwater; First travel teachers and pioneers
1954 7 Aug Marcia Steward de Matamoros Atwater arrived in the Marshall Islands and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:454] Marshall Islands Marcia Atwater; Knights of Bahaullah; Islands

from the chronology of Canada

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1942 (In the year) Muriel Warnicker moved to Edmonton from Vancouver and Marcia Atwater moved to Edmonton from the United States.[ OBCC217] There were only a few isolated Baha'is living in Alberta. [A.Pemberton-Pigott Thesis p8] Edmonton, AB; Vancouver, BC Muriel Warnicker; Marcia Atwater
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