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Date 1955-04-23, descending sort earliest first

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1955 23 Apr
Ramadán began. Shaykh Muhammad-Taqí known as "Falsafí" made an inflammatory speech against the Bahá'ís from a mosque in Tihrán. [BW18p390]
  • This was broadcast on national radio and stirred up the people against the Bahá'ís. [BW18:390]
  • Beatings, killings, looting and raping went on for several weeks, usually incited by the local 'ulamá. [BW18:390–1; MC16–17; ZK215–6]
  • The House of the Báb in Shíráz was attacked and damaged by a mob led by Siyyid Núru'd-Dín, a mujtahid.
  • See a publication in the newspaper Shahin Tehran about his "work".
  • Báb, House of (Shiraz); Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution, Mobs; - Persecution; Falsafi; Shaykh Muhammad-Taqi; Tehran, Iran; Shíráz, Iran; Iran
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