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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1963-04-21-01, sorted by date, descending

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1963 21 Apr
Establishment of the Universal House of Justice
  • The Universal House of Justice was elected for the first time. [BW14:427; MoC424]
      Those elected were: Charles Wolcott, ‘Alí’ Nakhjavani, H. Barrah Kavelin, Ian Semple, Luṭfu’lláh Ḥakím, David Hofman, Hugh Chance, Amoz Gibson, and Ḥushmand Fatheazam. [BW14p425]
  • The election was held at 9:30 in the morning at the home of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 7 Haparsim Street, Haifa. [BW14:427; MoC425]
  • Ballots were received from all 56 national spiritual assemblies. [BW14:427]
  • 288 members of 51 national spiritual assemblies were present at the election. [BW14:427]
  • For a list of the electors see MoC406–13.
  • For details of the election see BW14:425–9 and MoC20–1.
  • The election marked the end of the Second Epoch during which time the Faith had spread globally. The Third Epoch began.
  • * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; `Alí Nakhjavání; Amoz Gibson; Appointed arm; Borah Kavelin; Charles Wolcott; Conventions, International; Covenant; Cycles, Eras, Ages and Epochs; David Hofman; Elections; Firsts, other; Formative Age; Haifa, Israel; Hugh Chance; Hushmand Fatheazam; Ian Semple; Lutfullah Hakim; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; Universal House of Justice, Election of first Universal House of Justice elected.
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