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Date 1968-06-21, sorted by date, descending

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1968 21 Jun
The Universal House of Justice established the Continental Boards of Counsellors to continue the functions of the Hands of the Cause in the protection and propagation of the Faith. [BBD58–9, 97; BW15:611–13; BW17:319; MUHJ4–5; WG141, Mess63-86p130, 21 June, 1968, CEBF112]
  • For details of the eleven Boards and their membership see BW15:612 and WG140–4.
    • Among the eleven people named to the Boards in Africa were three native believers: Oloro Epyeru and Kolonario Oule in Uganda, and Seewoosumbur-Jeehiba Appa in Mauritius.
  • For pictures of the Counsellors see BW15:614, 615, 618, 619, 622, 623, 625, 627.
  • For a history of the development of the institutions of the International Teaching Centre and the Continental boards of Counsellors see BW20p673-693.
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Hands of the Cause; Appointed arm; Assistants; Auxiliary board members; Counsellors; Haifa, Israel; Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline
    1968 summer
    The first summer school to be held in Ireland bagin. First summer and winter schools; Ireland; Summer schools first summer school in Ireland
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