World Canada | |||
date | event | tags | firsts |
1973 Ridván 197- |
The National Spiritual Assembly of Equatorial Guinea was formed (The actual formation took place in July). Owing to local circumstances, it was disbanded within the year. [BW16:141]
National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Malabo, Equatorial Guinea; Equatorial Guinea | |
1973 197- |
Localities: 54,102 Local Assemblies: 13,737 National Assemblies: 113 Tribes and minorities represented: 1,191 Literature translated into 567 languages Schools and Institutes: 153 Independent countries and important territories opened to the Bahá'í Faith: 317 [from a pamphlet published by the NSA of Canada "Baha'i A New Man A New World Order"] |
Statistics | |
1973 Ridván 197- |
The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward and Virgin Island. [BW15p702] | National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas; St. Thomas Island | |
1973 - 1974 197- |
1973 - 1974 was a Year of Preparation. [Mess63-86pxli] | - Teaching Plans | |
1973 Ridván 197- |
The Nine Year Plan was successfully completed. [BW16:131]
Nine Year Plan (1964-1973); - Teaching Plans; Youth; Travel Teaching; Aziz Navidi; - Bahá'í World Centre | |
1973 Ridván 197- |
The Universal House of Justice was elected for the third time. The conference was attended by 472 National Spiritual Assembly members of the possible 1,017 from the 113 National and Regional Assemblies. Members of 14 Assemblies were prevented from attending for circumstances beyond their control but at least one person attended from the remaining 99 Assemblies. [VV14, SDSC296]
Universal House of Justice, Election of; Conventions, International; Elections; - Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel | |
1973 Ridván 197- |
The Synopsis and Codification of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas was published. [BBRSM138; MUHJ105; VV14; BW15:169]
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book); * Publications; Questions and Answers (Kitáb-i-Aqdas); - Bahá'í World Centre |
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