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Date 2003-03-09, sorted by date, descending

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2003 3 Mar
The passing of Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Una Dean, née Townshend, in Edmonton, Canada. Una lived a full life of Bahá'í service. In 1946 she was the first Bahá'í in Dublin and was later a member of the first spiritual assembly. She also helped to form the first spiritual assembly in Liverpool. In October 1953 she was the first Bahá'i in Malta, a goal of the Ten Year Crusade. In 1954 she returned to Ireland to tend to her ailing father and to assist him in writing Christ and Bahá'u'lláh. After his passing in 1957 she moved to America, met and married her husband, Dick Dean, and moved to Edmonton where she served on the Local Assembly until 1987. [BW02-03p269] - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Alberta, Canada; Canada; Dublin, Ireland; Edmonton, AB; Ireland; Liverpool, England; Malta; Una Dean; Una Townshend First Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Dublin.
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