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2020 (In review)
The Bahá'í World News Service published 2020 In Review. Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Bahá'í World Centre
2020 Dec
As part of the series of events to mark the 10 year anniversary of the revelation in Tunisia, the Bahá'í community hosted a gathering, coinciding with UN Human Rights Day, to explore new conceptions of citizenship. The gathering brought together distinguished guests including Member of Parliament Jamila Ksiksi, Omar Fassatoui from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as academics and representatives of religious communities. In addition to participants who attended in person, thousands more were connected to the discussions through a live stream of the event.

Mr. Ben Moussa of the Bahá'í Office of External Affairs expressed the opinion that new notions of citizenship must be based on inclusivity and not exclusivity, stating: "Societies have historically been built hierarchically: believer and nonbeliever, free person and slave, man and women. As a result, many segments of society have not been able to contribute to public life. In such an environment, a society is not able to reach its potential. [BWNS1476]

Ben Moussa; Tunis, Tunisia; Tunisia
2020 16 Dec
The U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution expressing "serious concern about ongoing severe limitations and increasing restrictions on … recognized and unrecognized religious minorities including … members of the Bahá'í faith."
      The resolution, approved by U.N. member states by a vote of 82-30, with 64 abstentions, also called upon Iran to stop the "denial of and restrictions on access to education" for members of recognized and unrecognized religious minorities, "including for members of the Baha'i faith."
      Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh responded to the U.N. vote by expressing "abhorrence of the deep-rooted hypocrisy" of the resolution's 45 co-sponsors, which include the U.S., Israel, Canada, Australia and other U.S. allies in Europe and the Pacific. He also called on the resolution's co-sponsors to "stop their interventionist and immoral behavior" toward Iran and unspecified other nations. [Iran Press Watch]
Persecution, Iran; United Nations; New York, USA; New York, USA; Iran
2020 15 Dec
In a letter to an individual the Universal House of Justice stated that an individual Bahá'í could not refuse a governmental mandate of vaccination on religious grounds. [15 December 2020] Covid-19 (Corona virus)
2020 11 Dec
Work on the concrete walls and roof beams of the central edifice had been completed; work on the steelwork for the roof, the cladding for the external walls, and the decorations for the pillars and doorways continued. Work on the Reception Centre and other ancillary buildings were near completion.
  • The steel work to support the roof tiles was in place and the steelwork was covered with waterproofing and plaster.
  • The planters on the plinth around the central edifice were being prepared, work was just beginning on the gardens and paths that will surround the temple. [BWNS1473]
  • Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Kenya
    2020 8 Dec
    In a letter to an individual on the advisability of taking the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine the Universal House of Justice stated that the friends should follow the counsel of medical and other scientific experts. [12 December 2020] Covid-19 (Corona virus)
    2020 6 Dec
    The presentation of a webinar at the Wilmette Institute by Jan Teofil Jason entitled 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the "Other". In his presentation he discussed the newspaper coverage given 'Abdu'l-Bahá during his Western Tour, the influence of xenophobia on that coverage, and the challenges facing scholars in recovering those publications.
  • A PDF of his speaking notes was been made available.
  • `Abdu'l-Bahá, Travels of; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Second Western tour; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Talks at public places; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Talks to ethnic groups; Xenophobia; Newspapers; Race; Wilmette, IL; Illinois, USA
    2020 5 Dec
    The Austrian Bahá'í Office of External Affairs launched a new vlog that will explore issues of national concern in Austria. It was titled "Themes that move Austria," and such topics as environmental protection, migration, social cohesion, and the role of youth in social transformation will be the subject of discussion. See the video featuring Dr Leyla Tavernaro of the Office of External Affairs in the referenced link. [BWNS1471] Public discourse; Internet; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Austria
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