Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1937-05-01, sorted by date, descending

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1937 May
The First Seven Year Plan was launched in North America. [BBD180; BBRSM158; BW7:17–18; MA9]
  • For the role of individuals, local spiritual assemblies and the National Spiritual Assembly see MA11–12.
  • The Plan called for:
    • the completion of the exterior of the Wilmette Temple. BW7:17–18; PP385]
    • the establishment of a local spiritual assembly in each state and province of the United States and Canada. [PP385]
    • the establishment of a centre in each of the republics of Latin America. [PP385]
  • At this time there were 2 local spiritual assemblies and eighteen localities. [OBCC307]
First Seven Year Plan
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