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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

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1951 Aug
An anonymous believer provided for a one year scholarship at the University of Saskatchewan for a Bahá'í youth willing to serve as a pioneer in Saskatoon for one year. The scholarship was awarded to Suzanne Pawlowska of Winnipeg. [CBN No 21 August 1951 p2] Scholarship; Suzanne Pawlowska; Saskatoon, SK
1951 Aug
For a list of Local Spiritual Assemblies and National Committees see CBN No21 August 1951 p4-5. Local Spiritual Assembly; National Committees
1951 4 - 11 Aug
The Ontario Summer School was held at the Blue Mountain Lodge. The weekly group numbered 37, with many visitors dropping in for a shorter period. Owing to a serious accident to his son, Mr. Curtis Kelsey was unable to be present as originally planned, but Mrs. Margery McCormick, out of her great love for Canada, came directly from Louhellen to give a wonderful course on 'The Seven Valleys". "Administration" was the second major subject, co-ordinated by Lloyd Gardner, with various speakers. An added feature was introduced this year when Nancy Campbell gave three periods on "Platform Technique While Speaking in Public". [CBN No 19 April 1951 p13; CBN No 23 November 1951 p6] Summer schools; Curtis Kelsey; Rex King; Margery McCormick; Lloyd Gardner; Nancy Campbell; Collingwood, ON
1951 26 Aug - 2 Sep
The Prairie Regional Teaching Conference was held at the Holliday House in Banff. They continued to use this venue until 1967 when the summer school were held at what become to be the Sylvan Lake Baha'i Centre. [CBN No19 April 1951 p13] Summer schools; Banff, AB
1951 27 - 31 Aug
More than 30 people attended the Banff Conference which was held at Holliday House Mrs. Helen Bishop, of Portland, presented a masterly course on The Book of Certitude, Mr. Bob Donnelly, of Regina, gave some very enlightening information of pioneering, substantiated by carefully prepared maps and diagrams. The children presented "A Child Shall Lead Them", under the guidance of Lulu Barr, of Regina. The Calgary believers were responsible for the daily devotions, and several plays, written by Alan Fraser of West Vancouver, were produced in an impromptu manner. The public meeting, held on the 31st of August, at which Helen Bishop was the speaker, attracted a number of local residents, one cf whom asked the Bahá'ís to hold a monthly fireside in his home. [CBN No 22 Oct 1951 p4] Conferences, Teaching; Helen Bishop; Bob Donnelly; Lulu Barr; Alan Fraser; Banff, AB
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