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1962 Sep Following full investigation and consultation on certain information concerning the activities of Rex (Reginald) King who has resided in various localities in Central California in recent years, it became necessary for the National Spiritual Assembly at its September meeting to deprive Mr. King of his Bahá'í membership and voting rights. Mr. King is not to be invited to Nineteen-Day Feasts or to participate in any other Bahá'í activities. [US Supplement No 57 November 1962 p2]

Reginald ("Rex") King, who had been elected secretary of the short-lived New Mexico "National Assembly", dissolved by Remey in 1964. Unhappy about Remey's resistance to his leadership role in the United States, King eventually went to Italy where Remey was living, and had an apparently acrimonious meeting with him. Following this encounter, on 13 September 1969 Remey issued a letter denouncing King: "his station to be ever and eternally that of Satan for evermore". King switched his allegiance to Marangella when the latter advanced his own claims two months later.

This relationship, however, also soon broke down. King decided that Marangella had made "a number of faulty ‘interpretations' of the Writings" and declared that Marangella "had ceased to fulfill the requirements of the office of guardian". He argued, indeed, that "neither Mason Remey nor Joel Marangella had in truth ever been guardians … because of the lack of lineal descendancy" (i.e., from Bahá'u'lláh). What Remey had actually been, King said, was "a regent", and King came to the "realization" that he himself "was in actuality the Second Regent…." [Mason Remey and Those Who Followed Him]

Covenant-breakers; Rex King; Charles Mason Remey; Joel Marangella

from the chronology of Canada

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1951. 4 - 11 Aug The Ontario Summer School was held at the Blue Mountain Lodge. The weekly group numbered 37, with many visitors dropping in for a shorter period. Owing to a serious accident to his son, Mr. Curtis Kelsey was unable to be present as originally planned, but Mrs. Margery McCormick, out of her great love for Canada, came directly from Louhellen to give a wonderful course on 'The Seven Valleys". "Administration" was the second major subject, co-ordinated by Lloyd Gardner, with various speakers. An added feature was introduced this year when Nancy Campbell gave three periods on "Platform Technique While Speaking in Public". [CBN No 19 April 1951 p13; CBN No 23 November 1951 p6] Collingwood, ON Ontario Summer School; Summer School; Curtis Kelsey; Rex King; Margery McCormick; Lloyd Gardner; Nancy Campbell
1954. 29 Aug - 5 Sep A summer school was held at the Banff School of Fine Arts attracting 41 adults and 12 children. Speakers were Florence Mayberry, who spoke on "Spiritual Dynamics", Ron Nablo, Rex King, (who had just recently pioneered to Anchorage. [CBN No 58 November, 1954 p4] Banff, AB Summer School; Florence Mayberry; Ron Nablo; Rex King
1954. 17 Sep - 6 Nov Rex King from Tucson, Arizona arrived in the Yukon and stayed until the 6th of November. He also made two brief visits in April and May of 1955. He made the first Bahá'í radio broadcasts in the Yukon. [CBN No 117 October 1957 p1] Yukon Pioneering, Yukon; Rex King; Radio broadcasts
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