Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1955-10-00, sorted by date, descending

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1955 Oct
In an article in the Canadian Baha'i News The Indian (First Nations) Teaching Committee quoted Fred Riley of High Prairie, Alberta, someone who has spent 20 years among the Dogrib people whose language he speaks. He explained how the past experiences of the Native People have made them mistrustful of the White man. He suggested the only way to make headway in Native teaching was to start by earning the friendship and trust of a single person and then build from there, [CBN No 69 Oct 1955p3] Native teaching
1955 Oct
In an article in the Canadian Bahá'í News the procedure for the "exchanged of cheques" was explained whereby a believer could get a tax receipt for expenses incurred while completing a pre-approved project. [CBN No 60 Oct 1955 p6] Funds
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