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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

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1957 (In the year)
The first Temple site was purchased in 1957 in North York, and replaced by the site in Markham Township in 1969. [MtC281] Purchases and exchanges; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Toronto; Toronto, ON
1957 Jan
The Laurentian Bahá'í Winter School was attended by about twenty people. Mary and Andy Andrews of Ottawa were the presenters. [CBN No 85 February 1957 p2] Winter schools; Andy Andrews; Mary Andrews; Beaulac, QC
1957 2 Feb
Dr Donald Kidd and Mary Campbell, both of Edmonton were married in a Bahá'í marriage ceremony in Calgary. It was the first Bahá'í wedding to take place in the province of Alberta. [CBN No87 April, 1957 p3] Marriage; Don Kidd; Mary Campbell; Calgary, AB the first Bahá'í wedding to take place in the province of Alberta.
1957 22 - 24 Feb
At its February meeting the National Spiritual Assembly formed a Hazira Location Committee consisting of George Spendlove, George Smith, Alice Hall and Marjory Merrick. They were instructed to look for a property primarily for the National Headquarters use and to meet the requirement for a provisional Hazira set down by the Guardian. [CBN No 87 April, 1957 p1] Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON
1957 26 - 29 Apr
The National Convention was held at the new Haziratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street. It was attended by about 100 visitors as well as seventeen delegates who voted in person and two who voted by mail. Those elected were: Hart Bowsfield, Peggy Ross, Winnifred Harvey, Audrey Westheuser, Allan Raynor, Lloyd Gardner, Rowland Estall, Fred Graham, and Harold Moscrop.
  • The Public Congress was held in the Royal Ontario Museum Theatre. About 300 persons attended. [CBN No 89 June, 1957 p3-4]
  • Photo.
  • There were 17 Local Spiritual Assemblies in Canada at this point, a drop from 19 two years earlier. [Bloodworth, Grains of Wheat p20]
  • National Convention; Hart Bowsfield; Peggy Ross; Winnifred Harvey; Audrey Westheuser; Allan Raynor; Lloyd Gardner; Rowland Estall; Fred Graham; Harold Moscrop; National Spiritual Assembly, election of; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON
    1957 May
    The site of the National Hazírratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street was expropriated by the University of Toronto. The property was included in the 26 acres taken over in December for the expansion of the campus. The University advised that they will not require the property for some time and that we may rent the building , possibly for several years. [UC66; CBN No 87 April 1957 p3; CBN No 91 Aug 1957 p8; MtC262]
  • An Hazira Location Committee was set up consisting of George Spendlove, George Smith, Alice Hall and Marjory Merrick. [CBN No 87 April 1957 p1]
  • Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); George Spendlove; George Smith; Alice Hall; Marjory Merrick; Toronto, ON
    1957 May
    About twenty-five different itineraries were arranged for Canadian Bahá'í teachers who served on the Intra-Regional circuits and, in addition, teaching programmes were arranged and organized for several visiting teachers from outside the Dominion, including Mr. Alan Pringle from Honduras and Mrs. Meherangiz Munsiff of the United States. Our Canadian teachers have included the following: Mrs. Laura Davis, Mr. Albert Rakovsky, Mr. Hartwell Bowsfield, Mr. Rowland Estall, Mr; Alan Raynor, Mre. !Peggy Ross, Mrs. Lily Ann Irwin, Mrs. Katherine Moscrop, Mr. Fred Graham, Miss Nancy Campbell, Miss Amy Putnam and Miss Winnifred Harvey. [CBN No88 May 1957 p1]
  • Seven weekend seminars conducted by Allan Raynor on "The Covenant and the Individual" were organized throughout Canada for the deepening, strengthening and confirming of believers and close contacts. [CBN No88 May 1957 p2]
  • Travel Teaching; Alan Pringle; Meherangiz Munsiff; Laura Davis; Albert Rakovsky; Hartwell Bowsfield; Rowland Estall; Alan Raynor; Peggy Ross; Lily Ann Irwin; Katherine Moscrop; Fred Graham; Nancy Campbell; Amy Putnam; Winnifred Harvey
    1957 May
    The New Territories Committee had a publication called the "Round Robin". It was written solely for pioneers in the goal areas as a means to share the pleasures and problems, hopes and fears, news and views with the distant members of their pioneer family. [CBN No88 May 1957 p2-3 ] Round Robin; * Publications; Pioneering
    1957 14 Jun
    Winnifred Harvey of Ottawa, recently returned from pilgrimage, undertook a three week travel leaching trip to Western Canada. She stopped at Winnipeg, Brandon then on to Regina and following that, Lethbridge and Calgary. In British Columbia she visited Cranbrook, Penticton, Vancouver and West Vancouver then took a ferry to Nanaimo and then overland to Victoria. From there she travelled south to Seattle to catch a plane for Juneau and then the Canadian goal city of Baranof by seaplane. Venturing back into Canada her next stop was Whitehorse and then on to Edmonton and Yellowknife and Edmonton again. Saskatoon was the next stop then to St. James and finally to Toronto to attend a meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly. [CBN No 92 September 1957 p 3-4] Travel Teaching; Winnifred Harvey
    1957 Jul
    Hand of the Cause Dhikru'llah Khádem met with the National Spiritual Assembly. He had come from Central America and was visiting in the United States and Canada before returning to Haifa. He, his wife, and their daughter spent ten days in Canada and visited the friends in Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and London. [UC68-69] * Hands of the Cause; Dhikrullah Khadem; Hamilton, ON; Toronto, ON; Montreal, QC; Ottawa, ON; London, ON
    1957 Summer
    Pioneer Doris Richardson reported that the first Bahá'í declaration on Grand Manan, Ed Somers, was welcomed. [UC70] Doris Richardson; Ed Somers; Grand Manan Island, NB first declarant on Grand Manan Island.
    1957 Jul
    Hand of the Cause Dhikru'llah Khádem met with the National Spiritual Assembly. He had come from Central America and was visiting in the United States and Canada before returning to Haifa. He, his wife, and their daughter spent ten days in Canada and visited the friends in Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and London. [UC68-69, 70; MtC269] Hands of the Cause, Activities; Dhikrullah Khadem; Hamilton, ON; Toronto, ON; Montreal, QC; Ottawa, ON; London, ON
    1957 (Summer)
    Hand of the Cause Zikr'u'lláh Khadem visited Central America, then the United States and Canada on way back to Haifa. He was accompanied by his wife and their daughter. Arrangements were made for them to visit a number of Bahá'í communities in Ontario and Québec, Hamilton, Greater Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, London. [CBN NO 92 September 1957 p4] * Hands of the Cause; Zikrullah Khadem
    1957 (Summer)
    The Hazira committee continued to have difficulties in finding a suitable property. Zoning regulations precluded the purchase of many sites that were otherwise suitable. Negotiation were underway on one property. One property in north Toronto that might be suitable for the Temple ground was under investigation. [CBN No 91 August 1957 p1] Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON
    1957 Aug
    In response to a recommendation made at the National Convention, the functions and the staffing of the national committees were published in the August issue of the Canadian Bahá'í News. [CBN #91 August 1957 p6-8]

    The October issue included a graphic that illustrated the reporting structure of the national committees. [CBN No 93 October 1957 p7]

    National Spiritual Assembly; Toronto, ON
    1957 Summer
    The Laurentian Summer School was held at Beaulac. The presenters were Margery McCormick, Mehdi Firoozi and Stanwood Cobb. [CBN NO92 September 1957 p4; CBN No 93 Oct 1957 p3]
  • It was described as the most successful Conference held at Beaulac with over 80 Bahá'ís and friends in attendance.
  • Summer schools; Margery McCormick; Mehdi Firoozi; Stanwood Cobb; Beaulac, QC
    1957 25 - 31 Aug
    Western Canada Summer Conference at the Banff School of Fine Arts. The syllabus included (1) "The Covenant and the Aims, Purposes and Processes of the Administrative Order" (Allan Raynor) (2) "The History of the Faith" (Ted Anderson and Hartwell Bowsfield) (3) "The Fundamental Spiritual Verities" (Florence Mayberry) and "The Bahá'í World Crusade" (Beatrice Ashton). [CBN No 88 May 1957 p3]
  • About 84 Bahá'ís and their friends were in attendance. [CBN No 93 Oct 1957 p5]
  • Western Canada Summer Conference; Summer schools
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