Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Ismá‘íless-maw-eelSon of Abraham, also called the Sacrifice. Qur’án 37:101 tells of Abraham’s dream in which He was instructed to sacrifice His firstborn son, who according to Muslim tradition, was Ismá‘íl. (G1.75). The twelve princes referred to in Genesis 17:20 are the twelve Imáms.
Ismá‘ílíess-maw-eel-eeShí‘ah sect who accept the line of Imáms to the death of Imám Ja‘far-i-Sádiq, the sixth. Imám Ja‘far disinherited his eldest son, Ismá‘íl, for inebriety, appointing Músá in his stead. The Ismá‘ílís, also called Seveners, adhere to Ismá‘íl’s son Muḥammad as the inaugurator of the Seventh Prophetic Period, the other six being those of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muḥammad.
‘Iṣmat-i-Kubráess-mat-eh-cob-rawBahá’u’lláh’s doctrine of the “Most Great Infallibility” of the Manifestation of God. (GPB 214).
Ismu’l-Azaless-moll-as-AlName of Eternity (Mírzá Yaḥyá).
Ismu’lláhi’l-Ákhiress-moll-law-hel-awe-careThe Last Name of God, title given to Quddús by the Báb.
Isráfíless-raw-feelAngel who sounds the trumpet on the Day of Judgement.
Ithná-‘Asharíyyihess-naw-ash-aree-yehThe Twelvers; those Shí‘ahs who believe in the succession of the 12 Imáms and the return of the 12th.
I’timádu’d-Dawlihet-em-odd-od-doe-lehChief minister of state at time of attempt on Sháh’s life by a crazed Bábí, August 1852.
Jabal-i-Básitjab-al-eh-baw-setThe Open Mountain; name given by the Báb to Máh-kú.
Jabal-i-Shadídjab-al-eh-shad-eedThe Grievous Mountain; name given by the Báb to Chihríq. The numerical value of shadíd is the same as that of Chihríq (318).
Jabarútjab-a-rootHeaven; a degree in mystical life. World of Divine omnipotence.
Jábir Ibn-i-Ḥayyánjaw-bare-ebn-eh-high-onPupil of Imám Ja‘far-i-Ṣádiq; wrote a book of his sayings.
Jábulqá and Jábulsájaw-bol-caw,
Mysterious cities where Shí‘ahs believe the 12th Imám to be living with his chosen companions, waiting to come forth in the fullness of time and fill the earth with justice.
Ja‘farja...far (ar as in Harry)Man’s name.
Jábilíyyihjaw-hel-ee-yehAge of Ignorance; term denoting heathenism prevailing in Arabia prior to the advent of Muḥammad.