Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Jalálu’d-Dawlih, Princejal-awl-od-doe-lehA son of Ẓillu’s-Sulṭán, as governor of Yazd he ordered the frightful deaths of seven believers in a single day. Stigmatized by Bahá’u’lláh as “The Tyrant of Yazd.” (GPB 232).
Usually titled Mawláná (our Master); Persia’s greatest mystic poet, (1207–1273), who settled in Rúm (Asia Minor) and authored the Mathnaví.
Jamál Páshájam-awl-paw-shawDefeated Turkish commander-in-chief in Syria, who had sworn to raze Bahá’u’lláh’s Tomb to the ground and crucify ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in a public square in Constantinople. (PDC 65).
Jamál-i-Mubárakja-moli-eh-mo-baw-rakThe Blessed Beauty; a title of Bahá’u’lláh.
Jamál-i-Qidamja-moll-eh-keh-damThe Ancient Beauty; a title of Bahá’u’lláh.
Javádja-vodMan’s name.
Javáhiru’l-Asrárjav-awe-hair-olass-rawrWriting of Bahá’u’lláh prior to His Declaration (‘Iráq).
Jayhúnjay-hoonThe Oxus River.
Jazíriy-i-Khaḍrájazz-ee-ray-eh-Verdant Isle. Reference to Mázindarán; also the Garden of Na‘mayn. (DB 325; GPB 193).
Jinábjen-obCourtesy title sometimes translated “His Honor.”
Jináb-i-Munírjen-ob-eh-mo-neerBahá’í exile who died at Smyrna en route to the ‘Akka prison.
JosephReference to Bahá’u’lláh in the Báb’s Commentary on the Súrih of Joseph. (GPB 23).
Jubbihjub-behOuter coat.
Júk, Book ofjookCollection of early historical records referred to in Gl. 174; probably Yogi traditions reported in such works as the Dabistánu’l-Madháhib, a treatise composed in India about the middle of the 17th century.
Ka‘b-ibn-i-Ashrafca...b-ebn-eh-ash-raffName of a Medinite divine and poet who opposed Muḥammad, entering into a Meccan alliance with Abú Ṣufyán after the Muslim defeat at Uḥud. Cf. Qur’án 59:2.
Ka‘bihca...behCube-like, stone building at Mecca, containing the Black Stone. Traditionally built by Adam and reconstructed after the Flood by Abraham and Ishmael, it is the Qiblih and holiest spot in the Muslim world. “The first temple that was founded for mankind, was that in Becca, [place of crowding, i.e., Mecca] Blessed, and a guidance for all creatures.” Q 3:90.