Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Káẓimayncaw-zem-ainTown three miles north of Baghdád, where the “two Káẓims”, the 7th and 9th Imáms, are buried.
Khá, land ofcawThe letter “khá” or kh, designating Province of Khurásán, NE Persia.
Khadíjihcad-ee-jehFirst wife of Muḥammad. Considerably older than the Prophet, she remained His only wife for twenty-five years, when she died. He was then in His fifty-first year.
Khádimu’lláhcaw-dem-ol-lahServant of God; title of Mírzá Áqá Ján. (GPB 115).
Khájih, Fort ofcaw-jehStorm center of Nayríz upheaval.
Khálidíyyih Ordercaw-led-ee-yehThe eminent leader of this Order was completely won over by Bahá’u’lláh during His sojourn in Kurdistán. (GPB 122).
Khalífihcal-ee-fehCaliph. Vicegerent.
Khalílcal-eelFriend (of God); title of Abraham.
KhánconMongolian title of kings, princes, nobles. In modern times, originally a title of the nobility or of chiefs or tribes, by extension an honorific denoting gentleman.
Khasá’il-i-Sab‘ihcass-awe-ell-eh-sab-ehWriting of the Báb, altering the sacrosanct formula of the Muslim call to prayer. (GPB 10).
Khaybarkay-bar (ar as in Harry)“rich vale of Khaybar” studded with villages and fortresses on the way to Syria north from Medina. (Muir’s description of the region in Muḥammad’s time).
Khiḍrkezz-rLit. “The Green One.” His name does not occur in the Qur’án, but most of the commentators identify him with the mysterious personage referred to in Qur’án 18:59–81. He is often referred to as having discovered and partaken of the fountain of life, and is called its custodian. He also symbolizes the true guide. “...he stands pre-eminently for the inner light of saintship as opposed to the intellectual, legalistic, and apostolic aspects of prophecy….Like the Ṣúfí Pír [murshid], he claims silent and unquestioning obedience to his authority....” (Nicholson, Commentary, 1, 25).
Khiláfatkell-awe-fatVicegerency of the Prophet Muḥammad.
Khirqiy-i-Sharífcare-gay-yeh-sha-reefName of mosque near which, on arrival in Constantinople (Aug. 16, 1863), Bahá’u’lláh and His family were first imprisoned. (GPB 157).
Khurásáncore-awe-sawnProvince of Northeast Persia.
Khuṭbihcot-behSermon delivered Fridays at noon. Cf. Qur’án 62:9; the “congregation day” is Friday in Islám and “remembrance of God” is understood to mean the sermon.
Sermon by ‘Alí