Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Khuyco-eeTown in Northwest Persia, West of Tabriz.
Kinar-girdken-awr-gairdFortress about 30 miles from Ṭihrán. A station on the old Iṣfáhán road.
Kirmáncare-mawnCity in South central Persia.
Kirmánsháhcare-mawn-shahCity in West Persia, near frontier of Turkey.
Kitáb-i-‘Ahdket-awb-eh-a-htThe Book of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant.
Kitáb-i-Aqdasket-awb-eh-ack-dassThe “Most Holy Book” of Bahá’u’lláh. “...the Charter of His World Order, the chief repository of His laws, the Harbinger of His Covenant, the Pivotal Work containing some of His noblest exhortations, weightiest pronouncements, and portentous prophecies....” (PDC 24) Revealed in ‘Akka, circa 1873, “during the full tide of His tribulations, at a time when the rulers of the earth had definitely forsaken Him....” (GPB 213).
Kitáb-i-Badí‘ket-awb-eh-ba-deeBy Bahá’u’lláh, Adrianople, “refuting the arguments of the people of the Bayán.” (WOB 124). “His apologia...corresponding to the Kitáb-i-Íqán, revealed in defense of the Bábí Revelation....” (GPB 172).
Kitáb-i-Íqánket-awb-eh-ee-con“The Book of Certitude.” “...of unsurpassed preeminence among the writings of the Author of the Bahá’í Revelation.” Revealed in 1862, in fulfillment of the Báb’s prophecy that the Promised One would complete the unfinished Persian Bayán, and in reply to questions asked by the Báb’s as yet unconverted maternal uncle. (GPB 138).
Kitáb-i-Panj-Sha’nket-awb-eh-panj-sha...nThe Book of Five Ranks; one of the last works of the Báb, foretelling His Own death (GPB 51).
Kitábu’r-Rúhket-awb-or-roohBook of the Spirit, a 700-súrih work revealed by the Báb.
Kúfihcoo-fehCity on west bank of Euphrates, founded 636 A.D. The more ancient characters of Arabic writing are called Kúfic, after this one-time seat of learning.
Kuláhco-láhPersian hat, brimless, of lambskin or felt, long worn by government officials, civilians, etc. The term “hatted” refers to laymen while “turbaned” indicates the clergy or learned class.
Kuláh-i-farangíco-láh-heh-fa-rangg-eeEuropean hat. Pavilion.
Kull-i-Shay’coll-eh-shayAll things. A Bádí‘ calendar period comprising nineteen Váḥids. The numerical value of this term is 361 (19⨯19). We are living in the first kull-i-shay’.
Kullu’ṭ-ṭa-‘ámcoll-ot-ta-awm“All food,” a Tablet revealed by Bahá’u’lláh concerning Qur’án 3:87 (“All food was allowed to the children of Israel.”), in ‘Iráq, after Mírzá Yaḥyá had proved incompetent to write on the subject. In it Bahá’u’lláh identifies Israel and his children with the Báb and His followers. (GPB 116–117).