Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Kumaylco-mailTradition of; cf. Gl. 178.
KurdcordMember of race numbering over two millions, and living principally in Kurdistán.
Kurdistáncord-ess-tawnIn Turkey, ‘Iráq and Northwest Persia, “a region whose sturdy and warlike people were known for their age-long hostility to the Persians....” (GPB 120).
Kurúrcore-oorA crore; this equals 500,000.
Láhútlah-hootDivinity; the plane of Divinity, the “inward, eternal aspect of Reality,” contrasted with Násút.
(a’s as in at)
Tablet of Aḥmad, by Bahá’u’lláh (Adrianople).
Lawḥ-i-Aqdaslow-heh-ak-dassMost Holy Tablet, by Bahá’u’lláh (Holy Land).
Lawḥ-i-Burhánlow-heh-bore-hawnTablet of the Proof, by Bahá’u’lláh (Holy Land); addressed to “The Wolf,” Shaykh Muḥammad-Báqir.
Lawḥ-i-Dunyálow-heh-dun-yawTablet of the World, by Bahá’u’lláh (Holy Land).
Lawḥ-i-Fu’ádlow-heh-fo-oddTablet of Bahá’u’lláh prophesying the fall of the Sulṭán. Fu‘ád Páshá, prematurely dead, had been the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs. (GPB 208). (Holy Land).
Lawḥ-i-Hawdajlow-heh-how-dajTablet of the Howdah, revealed by Bahá’u’lláh when, on His journey, He first sighted the Black Sea.
Lawḥ-i-Ḥikmatlow-heh-heck-matTablet of Wisdom, by Bahá’u’lláh (Holy Land), setting forth “the fundamentals of true philosophy.” (GPB 219).
Lawḥ-i-Ḥúríyyihlow-heh-hoo-ree-yehTablet of the Maiden, prophetic writing of Bahá’u’lláh.
Lawḥ-i-Ḥúrúfátlow-heh-horoof-awtTablet of the Letters, revealed by the Báb in honor of Dayyán, and unraveling the mystery of the Mustagháth. (GPB 27, 69).
(ar as in Harry)
Tablet of Carmel, of Bahá’u’lláh, (Holy Land).
Tablet of the City of Unity, by Bahá’u’lláh, prior to His Declaration (‘Iráq).