Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Ṣád of Ṣamadsot of sam-adCommentary by Quddús, written in part at Ṭabarsí and eulogizing Bahá’u’lláh. It is six times longer than the Qur’án. (GPB 40; 69).
Sa‘dísa...dee1184–1291 A.D. One of Persia’s pre-eminent writers and teachers; author of the Gulistán (Rose Garden).
Ṣádiqsaw-deckMan’s name. The sixth Imám of Shí‘ah Islám (A.D. 699–765) Ja‘far-i-Ṣádiq (i.e., the Veridical), scholar, man of letters and jurisconsult.
Ṣádiq-i-Tabrízísaw-deck-eh-tab-ree-zeeHalf-crazed youth who made an attempt on the life of Náṣiri’d-Dín Sháh, Aug. 15, 1852.
Sadratu’l-Muntahásad-ra-tol-monta-hawThe Divine Lote Tree; the Tree beyond which there is no passing (i.e., the Manifestation of God). A title of Bahá’u’lláh (GPB 94). The Lote-tree of the extremity (Qur’án 53:8–18). The Sidrah-tree which marks the boundary. The zizyphus jujuba. Tree seen by Muḥammad in the 7th firmament during the mi‘ráj.
Ṣadru’d-Dawlihsad-rod-doe-lehDemoted by the Sháh for failing to defeat the Bábís at Zanján.
Ṣadru’l-‘Ulamásad-rol-ola-mawCleric referred to by Bahá’u’lláh as Ṣád-i-Iṣfáhání. (SW 86).
Ṣafavísaff-a-veePersian dynasty (1500–1736 A.D.)
Safíniy-i-Ḥamrásaff-ee-nay-yeh-ham-rawCrimson Ark, ordained by God in the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá for the people of Bahá. (SW 139; WOB 84—“Ark of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant”).
Ṣáḥibu’z-Zamánsaw-heb-oz-za-mawnThe Lord of the Age. Title of the Promised One of Shí‘ah Islám: the Báb. Preceded by Yá (O), the battle-cry of the Dawn-Breakers.
Book between the Two Sanctuaries; work revealed by the Báb between Mecca and Medina.
Ṣaḥífiy-i-Shaṭṭíyyihsa-hee-fay-eh-sha-tee-yehWriting of Bahá’u’lláh prior to His Declaration (‘Iráq).
Sa‘ídu’l-‘Ulamása-ee-dol-olam-awDiabolical cleric who caused the martyrdom of Quddús. “...the fanatical, the ferocious and shameless mujtahid of Bárfurúsh.” (GPB 39, 42; 83).
St. SophiaIn Istanbul, “The Second Firmament,” “The Vehicle of the Cherubim”—one-time cathedral built by Justinian later the most famous of Muslim mosques, now a museum.
(aṣ-) Ṣakhrahsack-raThe Rock. Sacred Rock at Jerusalem, revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike as the omphalos of the world. The Dome of the Rock is in the sanctuary of the Aqṣá Mosque.