Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Ṣaláḥi’d-Dín Ayyúbísal-aw-head-deen-
Saladin (1137–1193 A.D.) Sulṭán of Egypt and Syria 1174–93, conquered and drove out the Crusaders. The great Jewish philosopher Maimonides (Abú ‘Imrán Músá b. Maymún of Cordova) was Saladin’s physician.
Salámsal-awmPeace; salutation. Muslim greeting; word used to end a thesis.
Salásilsal-aw-sellOne of the two heavy chains by which Bahá’u’lláh was tormented in the Black Pit at Ṭihrán. (SW 77).
Sáliḥsol-ehProphet of God sent to the tribe of Thamúd. Sale states that this Prophet lived between Húd and Abraham, and identifies him with Phaleg. (Prelim. Disc.) He identifies Húd (q.v.) with Heber.
Salmánsal-mawnSee Rúz-bih. Persian believer who taught the Muslims trench warfare. First foreign Muslim permitted by the Prophet to say his prayers in his own tongue. The earliest Persian convert, and revered “Companion,” he is included by the Nuṣayrís in their mystical Trinity denoted by the letters A M S (‘Alí, the Idea—Muḥammad, the Name— Salmán, the Gate). (Browne, L. Hist. I, 203).
Salsabílsal-sa-beelName of a river or fountain in Paradise. Qur’án: 76:18: “From the fount therein whose name is Salsabíl (the softly flowing).” Thus Rodwell. A. Y. ‘Alí gives the literal meaning as “Seek the Way.”
Sám Khánr.w. psalm-conChristian colonel of Armenian regiment ordered to execute the Báb. When his regiment’s seven hundred and fifty bullets did not touch the Báb, Sám Khán refused to fire on the Manifestation of God again.
Sámirísaw-mare-eeName in Qur’án 20:85 etc. of the man who tempted the Israelites to the sin of the golden calf.
Saná’ísan-aw-eePersia’s first great mystic poet, author of the Ḥadíqatu’l-Ḥaqíqat or “Garden of Truth.” (A.D. 1131). From Ghazna or Balkh. Persia’s other great mystic writers in the Mathnaví form are ‘Aṭṭár and Rúmí; the last-named humbly wrote: “Aṭṭár was the Spirit, and Saná’í its two eyes; We come after Saná’í and ‘Aṭṭár.”
SarahWife and maternal aunt of Abraham. One of four pre-eminent women. (PUP II, 359).
Sarkár-Áqása-r-car-awe-cawThe Honorable Master. A title of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Sásáníyán dynastysaw-saw-nee-yawnPersian dynasty (226–651) reigning when Muḥammad was born (570 A.D.).
Satan, Island ofTurkish name for Cyprus where Mírzá Yaḥyá was exiled.
Sayyáḥsigh-áh (or, si-yáh)A disciple of the Báb (DB 432).