Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
18.AbháAb-háMost Luminous
Young TurksParty of Turks organized to effect radical political and social reforms. The “Young Turk” revolution, 1908, forced the Sulṭán to promulgate the constitution and to release, among others, all religious prisoners, including ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. (GPB 272).
Ẓahru’l-Kúfihzah-rol-koo-fehName designating Baghdád in Islámic traditions.
Zakíyyihzack-ee-yehVirtuous; one of Ṭáhirih’s designations.
Zamzamzam-zamSacred well within the precincts of the Great Mosque at Mecca. Though salty, its water is much esteemed for pious uses, such as ablutions, and drinking after a fast.
Zanjánzan-JohnCity in Northwest Persia.
Zaqqúmzack-koomInfernal tree referred to in Qur’án 37:60, 44:43, etc. Thorny Arabian tree with bitter fruit.
Zarrín-Tájzar-reen-tahjCrown of Gold: one of Ṭáhirih’s designations.
Zawrá’zo-rawPersian mountain as referred to in a prophetic tradition. Cf. Íqán, 246.
Zaynu’l-‘Ábidín Khánzane-al-awe-bed-een-conGovernor of Nayríz in 1850.
Zaynu’l-‘Ábidín Khán,
fack-rod-doe-lehOne of the princes who paid tributes to Bahá’u’lláh in Baghdád.
Ẓillu’lláhzell-ol-láhShadow of God; a title of the Sháh.
Ẓillu’s-Sulṭánzell-oss-sol-tawnShadow of the King, eldest surviving son of Náṣiri’d-Dín and virtual ruler of over two-fifths of Persia. Stigmatized by Bahá’u’lláh as “The Infernal Tree.” (GPB 232)
Zíyáratzee-awe-ratVisiting Tablet revealed by ‘Alí.