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Bibliography of sociological or anthropological studies on the contemporary Baha'i Community

Will C. van den Hoonaard, compiler


General works

  1. Ebaugh, Helen Rose Fuchs, and Sharon Vaughn. 1984. "Ideology and recruitment in religious groups." Review of Religious Research. 26: 148-157.
  2. Echevarria-Howe, Lynn. 1992. "Life History as Process and Product: The Social Construction of Self Through Feminist Methodologies and Canadian Black Experience." M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology, Carleton University, Ottawa.
  3. ----. 1995. "Working Through the Vision: Memories of Bahá'ís, 1938-1994." Presented to the 25th Annual Study Conference of the Oral History Society. University of Western England.
  4. ----. 1995. "Reflections from the Participants: The Process and Product of Life-History Work." Oral History. (Autumn): 40-45.
  5. ----. 1996. "Narrating a Bahá'í Symbol: Life Stories and the Communication of Experience." Presented at the 26th Annual Study Conference of the Oral History Society, Sweden.
  6. ----. In progress. "Working Through the Vision: Religion and Identity in the Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada." Ph.D. research funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Essex, England. Department of Sociology, University of Essex.
  7. Hassall, Graham. 1988. "Religion and State-Formation in Melanesia: 1945 to Independence." Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Pacific and South East Asian History, Australian Natiional University.
  8. ----. 1991. "'Outpost of a World Religion': The Bahá'í Faith in Australia, 1920-47." The Journal of Religious History. 16 (3): 315-338.
  9. Kerschbaumer, Mandana Fatimah. 1993. "Persecution, Exile, and Integration of a Religious Minority: The Integration of Iranian Bahá'í Refugees in Swiss Exile. Verfolgung, Exil und Integration einer religiosen Minderheit: Die Integration iranischer Bahá'í-Fluchtlinge im schweizerische Exil." Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Vienna.
  10. McMullen, Mike. 1995. "Creating a Global Identity: Empirical Evidence from the Bahá'í Faith." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. New York. 16-20 August. 27pp.
  11. ----. 1995. "Teaching the 'Cause of God': Empirical Evidence of Evangelism from the Bahá'í Faith." Presented to the Bahá'í Studies Colloquy: American Academy of Religion. 23-26 Nov. 31pp.
  12. ____. 1995. "The Bahá'í Faith in Atlanta: On the Religious Construction of a Global Identity (Georgia), Ph.D. Dissertation, Enory U.
  13. ----. 1995. "The Atlanta Bahá'í Community and Race Unity: 1909-50." World order.
  14. ----. 1997. "The Religious Construction of a Global Identity: An Ethnographic Look at the Atlanta Bahá'í Community." In Penny Edgell Becker and Nancy L. Eiesland, eds. Contemporary American Religion: An Ethnographic Reader. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press: 221-243.
  15. ----.Forthcoming. The Atlanta Bahá'í Community: On the Religious Construction of a Global Identity. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U.P.
  16. Perry, Mark*. 1986 "History of the Chicago Bahá'í Community, 1921-1939." Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. (Chm:Julius Wilson).
  17. Piff, David. 1997. "The Book of Hearsay: Informal Oral Lore in the Bahá'í Community." Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology of Religion, University of Copenhagen. (Supervisor: Dr. Margit Warburg).
  18. Piff, David, and Margit Warburg. 1998. "Enemies of the Faith: Rumours and Anecdotes as Self-Definition and Social Control in the Bahá'í Religion." In Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg, eds. New Religions and New Religiosity. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press: 66-82.
  19. Prosterman, Annette. 1998. "Creating a Participatory Social Movement Community: the Bahá'ís of Evanston, Illinois." Ph.D. Dissertation, Loyola U. of Chicago.
  20. Saint-Blancat, C. 1989. "Nation et religion chez les immigrés iraniens en Italie." Arch. Sc. soc. des Religions. 68 (1): 27-37.
  21. Smith, Peter. ----. 1987. The Babí and Bahá'í Religions: From Messianic Shi'ism to a World Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Smith, Peter, and Moojan Momen*. 1989. "The Bahá'í Faith, 1957-1988: A Survey of Contemporary Developments." Religion. (19): 62-91. van den Hoonaard, Will C.
  23. ----. 1989. "Socio-demographic characteristics of the Canadian Bahá'í Community." A Paper presented to the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meetings, Laval. June.
  24. ----. 1990. "Canada's Earliest Bahá'í History." World Order. 22 (1-2): 39-49 [Fall 1987/Winter 1988]
  25. ----. 1990. "An Annotated Index of the United States European Teaching Committee] Minutes: Sources for the Study of European Bahá'í History." 3617 records (equiv. to 322 pp) (with Sandra Lonergan).
  26. ----. 1990. "An Annotated Index of the United States Inter-America Committee Minutes and Correspondence: Source Materials for Bahá'í Studies. 4555 records (equiv. to 462 pp) (with Sandra Lonergan)
  27. ----. 1991. "An Annotated Index of the United States Africa Teaching Committee Minutes and Correspondence: Bahá'í History in 25 African Countries, 1953-1964." 3547 records.
  28. ----. 1992. "The Bahá'ís in Atlantic Canada: A Retrospective on a New Religious Movement." Conference on the History of Religion in Atlantic Canada, Department of History, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, New Brunswick, 2-4 Oct.
  29. ----. 1992. "Development and Decline of an Early Canadian Bahá'í Community: Saint John, New Brunswick, 1910-25." in Richard Hollinger, ed. Studies in Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, V. 7: Community Histories. Los Angeles. Kalimat Press: 217-39.
  30. ----. 1994. "The Question of Gender in Canadian Bahá'í History." Conference on the History and Development of the North American Bahá'í Community." Organized by the Research and Archives Offices of the American Bahá'í Community. Wilmette, Ill. 3-5 June.
  31. ----. 1994. "Chaos as Metaphor for the Study of the Postmodern World: A Bahá'í Approach." Annual Meetings of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Calgary, 10-13 June (with William Hackborn).
  32. ----. 1996. "The Bahá'ís in Canada: A Study in the Transplantation of non-Western religious movements to Western societies." ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies. McGill University. 24: 97-118.
  33. ----. 1996. The Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada, 1898-1948. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  34. ----. 1997. "Personal Religious Singleness as a Factor in Spreading New Religious Movements." Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion." University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, Toulouse, France. July.
  35. ---- and Lynn Echevarria-Howe. Forthcoming. "Black Roses in Canada's Mosaic: Three Decades of Canadian Black History." in Black North American Bahá'ís: The First Generation, 1893-1950, edited by Richard Thomas. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust.
  36. ---- and Deborah K. van den Hoonaard. 1998. Exploring Near to-the-Heart Issues: The Equality of Women and Men in the Canadian Bahá'í Communnity. In-progress research commissioned by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada. Vaughn, Sharron Lee. 1980. "A Comparative Study of a Conversion and Commitment
  37. Process in Religious Groups." M.A. Thesis. University of Houston.
  38. Vaughn, Sharron Lee and Helen Rose Ebaugh. 1981. "The Process of Recruitment to Social Movements: A Comparison of Converts and Second Generation Members." Paper presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association Meetings, Dallas. March. 19pp.
  39. Ward, Allan Lucius (ex*). 1960. "An Historical Study of the North American Speaking Tour of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and a Rhetorical Analysis of his Addresses." Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio U.
  40. ----. 1979. 239 Days: Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey in America. Bahá'í Publishing Trust. Wilmette, Ill.
  41. Warburg, Margit.[1] ----. 1990. "Units of Analysis and the Study of Religious Minorities." A paper presented to the International Association for the History of Religions. Rome. 3-9 September. 11pp.
  42. ----. 1990. "Conversion: Considerations before a Fieldwork in a Bahá'í Village in Kerala." in A. Parpola and B. Smidt Hansen, eds. South Asian Religion and Society. Scandinavian Inst. of Asian Studies. Studies on Asian Topics No. 11. Curzon Press. London: 223-235.
  43. ----. 1991. "The Circle, the Brotherhood, and the Ecclesiastical Body: Bahá'í in Denmark, 1925-1987." in Armin W. Geertz and Jeppe Sinding Jensen, eds. Religion, Tradition, and Renewal. Aarhus University Press. Aarhus: 201-221.
  44. ----. 1992. "Denmark." Bahá'í Encyclopedia. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust Forthcoming.
  45. ----. 1992. "Citizens of the World: Power, Organization, and Identity-Making in the Bahá'í Religion." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Washington, D.C. 6-8 Nov. 28pp.
  46. ----. 1993. "Economic Rituals: The Structure and Meaning of Donations in the Bahá'í Religion." Social Compass 40 (1) (March): 25-31.
  47. ----. 1993. "The Religious Metropolis: The Bahá'í World Centre in Israel." Presented at Religion Forum, Committee on the Study of Religion. Harvard University. 30 Nov. (also presented at the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, 19-23 July 1993). 18pp.
  48. ----. 1993. "An Old, New Religion in Europe: Growth and Development of Bahá'í in Western Europe." Presented at the Conference, New Religions and the New Europe." London School of Economics, 25-28 March. 14pp.
  49. ----. 1994. "Restrictions and Privileges: The Legal and Administrative Practice Towards Minority Religions in the USA and Denmark." Presented at the RENNORD 94 Conference on New Religions and New Religiosity, 22-25 Aug. 13pp.
  50. ----. 1995. "Growth Patterns of New Religions: The Case of Bahá'í." in Robert Towler, ed. New Religions and the New Europe. Aarhus University Press. Aarhus: 177-192.
  51. ----. 1995. "Globalization and the Bahá'í World Centre." Presented at the Department of Sociology, University of Exeter. 25 Jan. 20pp.
  52. ----. 1995. "A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Religious Self-Definition in the Bahá'í Community." Presented at the International Conference of Sociology and Religion. Quebec, 26-30 June. 15pp.
  53. ----. 1995. "Religious Definitions and Religious Polemics: Bahá'í in Popular Handbooks of Religion." Presented at a Conference on Anti-Bahá'í Polemic, Religious Studies Department. University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 8-10 Dec. 18pp.
  54. ----. "Religious Innovation in Denmark: The Establishment and Growth of the Danish Bahá'í Community, 1925-1987." in Peter Smith, ed. Bahá'ís in the West. Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History. 8. Kalimat. Los Angeles. 58pp.
  55. ----. and David Piff. n.d. "Restrictions and Privileges: The Legal and Administrative Practice Towards Minority Religions in the USA and Denmark." In Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg. eds. New Religions and New Religiosity. [few pp. on Bahá'í Faith]
  56. ---- and David Piff. n.d. "Enemies of the Faith: Rumours and Anecdotes as Self-Definition in the Bahá'í Religion." in Eileen Barker and Margit Warburg, eds. New Religions and New Religiosity. 15pp.
  57. White, W. L. 1993. "Binding together: Guaymi resistance and construction of religious identity through the Bahá'í Faith." M.A., UCLA. vii, 71 leaves
  58. Wyman, June R. 1985. "Becoming a Bahá'í: Discourse and Social Networks in an American Religious Movement." Department of Anthropology, Catholic University, Washington, D.C. 205pp. [DIA # DA8526959]
  59. Yeo Hock Choon. 1980-81. "The Bahá'í Community: A Study of Identity Consolidation, with Special Focus on Witnessing." B.A., University of Singapore. iii, 75 p.
  60. Zaerpoor, Mahyad*. 1981. "Educational Implications of Bahá'í Philosophy with a Special Consideration of the Concept of Unity." Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Southern California. (Chairman: Professor Brackenburg).
  61. Zahrai, Riis Annette. 1986. "Evolution of the Bahá'í Faith in the United States since 1960." M.A. Thesis. Department of Contemporary North American Civilization. Paris University, Paris.

Sociological or Anthropological Works That Make
Incidental Reference to the Bahá'í Community

  1. Binder, Louis R. 1933. Modern Religious Cults and Society: A Sociological Interpretation of a Modern Religious Phenomenon. Boston: no publ.: 46. (publ. also in 1970 by New York: AMS Press) Bird, Frederick and Bill Reimer. 1976. "New Religious and Para-Religious Movements in Montreal." in Stewart Crysdale and Les Wheatcroft, ed. Religion in Canadian Society. Toronto: Macmillan: 307-320.
  2. ----. 1977. "A Comparative Analysis of the Rituals Used by Some Contemporary 'New' Religious and Para-Religious Movements." in Peter Slater, ed. Religion and Culture and Canada. Cdn. Corp. for Studies in Religion. Waterloo, ON: 447-469 (mention on p. 456).
  3. ----. 1982. "Participation Rates in New Religious and Para-Religious Movements." J. for the Scientific Study of Religion. 21 (1): 1-14. (mention on p. 2,3, 5, 6, 9)
  4. Burgess, J. Stewart. 1944. "The Study of Modern Social Movements as a Means for Clarifying the Process of Social Action." Social Forces. 22: 269-275 (mention on p. 272).
  5. Campbell, Colin. 1971. Toward a Sociology of Religion. Macmillan. London: 42. Dobbelaere, Karel and Michel Voisin. 1986. "Sects and New Religious Movements in Belgium: Sekten en nieuwe religieuze bewegingen in Belgie." Tijdschrift voor sociologie. 7 (1-2): 395-437.
  6. Easterman, Daniel. 1992. New Jerusalems: Reflections on Islam, fundamentalism amd the Rushdie Affair. Grafton. London. (mention on pp. 184-191).
  7. Firth, Raymond. 1984. Essays on Social Organization and Values. Athlone Press. London : 278-283. (mention on p.278).
  8. Friedl, Erika. 19??. Women of Deh Koh. Geertz, Clifford. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic. N.Y. (mention on p. 181).
  9. Hawthorne. H.B., ed. 1967. A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada. Indian Affairs Branch. Ottawa: Vol. 2: 60-62.
  10. Hoult, Thomas Ford. 1958. The Sociology of Religion. Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. N.Y. (mention on pp. 9, 128, 129).
  11. Jacobs, Janet. 1984. "The Economy of Love in Religious Commitment: The Deconversion of Women from Non-Traditional Religious Movements." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 23 (2): 155-71 [mention on pp. 159, 165]
  12. Johnston, Ronald L. 1975. Religion and Society in Interaction: The Sociology of Religion. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. (mention on pp. 10, 317).
  13. Millett, David. 1969. "A Typology of Religious Organizations Suggested by the Canadian Census." Sociological Analysis.: 108-119.
  14. Malicky, Neal. 1968. "Religious Groups at the United Nations." Ph.D. dissertation. Columbia University, New York.
  15. Nock, David A. 1987. "Cult, sect, and church in Canada: A re-examination of Stark and Bainbridge." Canadian Rev. of Sociology and Anthropology. Vol. 24 (n. 4): 514-25. [Refers to Bahá'i membership in Canada].
  16. Nottingham, Elizabeth. 1971. Religion: A Sociological View. Random House. New York. (mention on pp. 236-7).
  17. Parrat, J.K. 1970. "Religious Change in Port Moresby." Oceania. Dec.: 106-113 [mention on pp. 111-113] Salisbury, W. Seward. 1964. Religion in American Culture: A Sociological Interpretation. Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey: 62.
  18. Stark, Rodney, William S. Bainbridge, and Lor Kent. 1981. "Cult Membership in the Roaring Twenties: Assessing Local Receptivity." Sociological Analysis. 42 (2): 137-162. [mention on pp. 140, 145, 155]
  19. ----. 1981. "Secularization and Cult Formation in the Jazz Age." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 20 (4): 350-73 [mention on pp. 364, 365, 367]
  20. ----. 1985. The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation. University of California Press. Berkeley. (mention on pp. 48, 190, 214, 238, 241-2, 244-5, 257, 445, 451, 464, Tables 11.1 and 11.2).
  21. Talmon, Yonina. 1966. "Millenarian Movements." Archives Européennes de sociologie. 7 (2): 159-200 (mention on p. 172).
  22. Tönnies, Ferdinand. 1911. [F. Tönnies was one of the organizers of the First Universal Races Congress (London, 26-29 July 1911) at which a paper by 'Abdu'l-Bahá was read on the subject, "The Bahá'í Revelation." Star of the West. (5 June) 2 (5): 2.
  23. Wach, Joachim. 1946 [repr. in 1971]. The Sociology of Religion. Chicago U.P. Chicago: 132, 138, 149, 201, 342.
  24. Ward, Lester A. 1928. The Bahá'í World: A Biennial International Record. 2 (April 1926- April 1928): 152 [has reference to Ward's attending Green Acre Bahá'í School]
  25. Watt, W. Montgomery. 1963. Truth in the Religions: A Sociological and Psychological Approach. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press: 11, 76, 162.
  26. Wilson, Allan?. 1932. [still to research] (mention on. p. 50).
  27. Wuthnow, Robert. 1997. "Conclusion [check title]" In Penny Edgell Becker and Nancy L. Eiesland, eds. Contemporary American Religion: An Ethnographic Reader. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press: [pp?]

Bahá'í Journals Which Carry Relevant Articles
(many of which are online here)

  1. Abha: A Journal of Babi-Bahá'í Studies. Hurqalya Publications. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. V.1- (1997-)
  2. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin. Association for Bahá'í Studies-English Language Section.
  3. Bahá'í Studies Review. Association for Bahá'í Studies-English Language Section. London.
  4. Journal of Bahá'í Studies. Association for Bahá'í Studies. Ottawa. ON. V. 1- (1988-)
  5. World Order. Bahá'í Publishing Trust. Wilmette, Ill. V. 1- (1966-)
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