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Search for tag "Anthropology"

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  1. Bahá'ísm: History, Transfiguration, Doxa, by Hutan Hejazi Martinez (2010-05). An outsider's view of the role of ideologies in a postmodern era, focusing on Bahá'í history, conversion narratives, ideology, and other competing philosophies. (Link to thesis, offsite.) [about]
  2. Bibliography of sociological or anthropological studies on the contemporary Baha'i Community (1998). Current only through 1998. [about]
  3. Even as the Waves of One Sea: Bahá'í Consultation's Implicit Cultural Support for the Clash of Differing Opinions, by Whitney White Kazemipour, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 33:3 (2024-03). A letter from Shoghi Effendi introduces some cultural dynamics which underlie Bahá'í consultation; disagreement can precede collective understanding and is not a sign of failure; the prayer to open meetings gives a moral motivation and ethos of tolerance. [about]
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