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full details for

"Democratization" and the Bahá'í Administrative Order

Author Universal House of Justice (actual author might be, or include, the Research Department or another agency of the House)
Title of item
"Democratization" and the Bahá'í Administrative Order
Date of this edition 2000-07-18
Permission Open copyright (see Baha'i Reference Library sharing terms, BIC copyright statement, and uhj_permission_electronic_texts)
Posted 2020-01-12 by Arjen Bolhuis
Classified in Letters from the Universal House of Justice
Abstract Letter regarding democracy, "Bahá'í democratization," theocracy, authority, and the Bahá’í Administrative Order.
Notes Mirrored from, where it is also available in PDF and Word formats.
Tags Administrative Order; Democracy; World order (general)
Page views 1250 hits since 2020-01-12
Last edited
2020-01-13 00:08 EDT. See previous versions [].

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