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1953. Nov or Dec The arrival, from Egypt, of Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Labib Isfahani in Dakar, Senegal. He was followed by his brother Habib Isfahani in April of 1954 who also received the honour. [BW13:452, BWNS283] Egypt; Dakar; Senegal Knights of Bahaullah; Labib Isfahani; Habib Isfahani; BWNS
1954 Apr Habíb Isfahání arrived in Dakar and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for French West Africa. [BW13:452] Dakar; French West Africa Habib Isfahani; Knights of Bahaullah
1966 Ridván The first local spiritual assembly in Senegal was formed in Dakar. Dakar; Senegal Local Spiritual Assembly
1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Upper West Africa was formed with its seat in Dakar, Senegal. The name was later changed to the National Spiritual Assembly of Senegal. [BW16:141]
  • Jurisdiction: Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands.
  • Dakar; Senegal National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Dec The first National Teaching Conference to be held in Senegal took place in Dakar. [BW16:175] Dakar; Senegal Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Teaching; Teaching
    1989 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Guinea-Bissau was formed. [PH73; BW20p249; AWH62; BINS199:1, 4]

    In 1975 Senegal had jurisdiction over Mauritania (1978), Cape Verde Islands (1984) and Guinea-Bissau (1989). With the last of its territories gone this left Senegal alone hence the National Spiritual Assembly of Senegal was formed with its seat in Dakar.

    Guinea Bissau; Dakar; Senegal National Spiritual Assembly, formation

    from the Chronology Canada

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