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1951 25 Jan or 4 Feb Claire Gung arrived in Tanganyika aboard the Warwick Castle and obtained employment as a matron in a boys' boarding school in Lushoto. She was the second Bahá'í pioneer to the country. [CG160; CBN No 18 Mar 1951 p10]
  • She later pioneered to Uganda and Southern Rhodesia during the Ten Year Crusade.
  • An additional group of early arrivals in East Africa settled in Tanganyika in 1951. They included Hassan and Isobel Sabri who came from Egypt, and Jalal Nakhjavání and his family from Iran. By 1954, a Local Spiritual Assembly had been elected in Dar es Salaam including three native believers. Among them was Denis Dudley-Smith Kutendele, the first to accept the Faith in Tanzania. [A Brief Account of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nance Ororo-Robarts and Selam Ahderrom p2]
      History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania said that the first local spiritual assembly was elected in Dar es Salaam in 1952 and that it received civic registration later under Tanganyika's Trustee's Incorporation Ordinance.
  • Tanzania; Dar-es-salaam Knights of Bahaullah; Claire Gung; Hassan Sabri; Isobel Sabri; Jalal Nakhjavani; Denis Dudley-Smith Kutendele, LSA, formation
    1951 Jul Mr P. K. Gopalakrishnan Nayer, an Indian, became a Bahá'í in Dar-es-Salaam, the first person to accept the Faith in Tanganyika. [BW12:53] Dar-es-Salaam; Tanganyika (Tanzania); Tanzania First Bahais by country or area
    1952 (In the year) Dudley Smith Kutendere from Zomba in the south of Malawi became a Bahá'í in Dar-es-Salaam, the first African to become a Bahá'í in Tanganyika and the first in all of Central and East Africa.
  • Denis has the unique distinction of being the first native believer in sub-Sahara Africa to take the Faith to a new country when in 1952 he left Tanzania to return to his native Nyasaland settling in his home town of Zomba. [A Brief Account of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nance Ororo-Robarts and Selam Ahderrom p2]
  • Dar-es-Salaam; Zomba; Nyasaland (Malawi) Dudley Smith Kutendere
    1952 Ridván The first local spiritual assembly in Tanganyika was established in Dar-es-Salaam. Jalal Nakhjavani, Hassan Sabri, Isobel Sabri, Leslie Matola, Khanum Darakshandeh Nakhjavani, Dudley Denis-Smith Kutendele, Eustace Mwalimu, and Naimi Frahang Nayer Gopalkrishnan were among its members; Matola belonged to the Yao tribe, while Mwalimu belonged to another. [History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania] Dar-es-Salaam Local Spiritual Assembly
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed with its seat in Dar-es-Salaam. The jurisdiction included Pemba and Mafia Island. Those elected were: H. S. Akida, Mary Elston, Allen Elston, Lamuka Mwangulu, Wallace NgaUomba, Jalal Nakhjavani, Glory Nyirenda, Jamsheed Samandari, and Ruhulah Yazdani.
  • In 1965 there were seventy-five local assemblies and Bahá'is in around 265 locations. [BW14p96; History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania]

    In 1964 Tanganyika merged with Zanzibar to form the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, later renamed the United Republic of Tanzania so now it is call the National Spiritual Assembly of Tanzania.

  • Dar-es-Salaam; Tanganyika (Tanzania); Tanzania; Zanzibar (Tanzania) National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1986 (In the year) The founding of the Ruaha Secondary School in southwestern rural Tanzania near Iringa, about 500 km from Dar-es-salaam. The school was operated under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly. [The Mona Project (information on the Iringa School no longer available on this web site), One Country]
  • By 1988 the school had 300 pupils and taught classes in English, geography, Swahili, history, chemistry, agriculture, physics, political science, mathematics, biology, and religion – Christian, Bahá'i, and Islamic studies were covered by representatives of other religions –all part of the Ministry-determined curriculum. Each student participated in service projects. [BW14p96; History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania]
  • In 2001 the school received a grant to build a girls dormitory. [BWNS145]
  • The Mona Foundation provided funding for the building of a boys' dormitory with the capacity of 120 beds. [History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania]
  • Tanzania; Iringa; Dar-es-salaam Bahai schools; BWNS; Mona Foundation

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