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from the Chronology Canada

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1956 Aug The Ontario Summer School was held during the long holiday weekends. The first two were held in Dundas and the last two in Forest. sessions. At Forest on Labour Day weekend Nancy Campbell spoke on "Meditation and the Law of Love" and Charles Grindley on "The Science of Teaching". [CBN No 81 October 1956 p2] Dundas, ON; Forest, ON; Ontario Summer School; Nancy Campbell; Charles Grindley
1958 Oct Based on previous experience of a proclamation to Christian clergy in Hamilton and consultation with Winston Evans at the Summer School, the Promulgation Committee launched a proclamation directed to both clerics and the layman. Packages were sent to Christians in Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Saltfleet, Burlington, Dundas, Campbellville, Ancaster, Georgetown, London, St. Thomas, Ingersoll and Forest. The pamphlet "The Reality of the Return of Christ" was included in all packages with the Catholic priests receiving a copy of the tablet that Bahá'u'lláh addressed to Pope Pius IX and the Protestant clergy were sent the pamphlet "The Lord of the New Age". About 1,400 to 1,500 were sent. Advertisements were placed in the local newspapers announcing that the clergy had received this material and that a speaker would be coming soon to speak about the theme, "Christ and Bahá'u'lláh". The only negative reaction reported was from the town of Forest where the Faith was denounced from the pulpit. [CBN No 107 December 1958 p2; UC80-81]
  • Note that Shoghi Effendi had encouraged such a proclamation in the British community. UD379 refers.
  • Niagara Falls, ON; St. Catharines ON; Saltfleet, ON; Burlington, ON; Dundas, ON; Campbellville, ON; Ancaster, ON; Georgetown, ON; London, ON; St. Thomas, ON; Ingersoll, ON; Forest, ON Proclamation I; Promulgation Campaign
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