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from the Chronology Canada

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1958. 2 - 9 Aug The Ontario Summer School Committee presented three courses at the YMCA Camp Kitchikewana at Geneva Park on Lake Couchiching. Audrey Westheuser presented "Sources of Hidden Power", Beatrice Ashton, "The World Crusade" and Winston Evans, a Bahá'í from Nashville, Tennessee, contributed, "Bahá'í Faith in a Christian World". He suggested that in teaching Christians that they not be considered as a homogeneous group but rather they should be approached with an appreciation of the tenants of eacch particular group. [CBN No 105 October 1958 p5, UC79]
  • Winston Evans extended his teaching trip throughout Western Ontario to consult with the Promulgation Committee. Two new pamphlets were designed, "The Reality of the Return of Christ" and "Letters to Christians". He spoke at public meetings in Toronto , London, Ajax, Georgetown, Dundas, Forest and other communities. [CBN No 105 October 1958 p3; UC80]
  • Geneva Park, ON Proclamation I; Summer School; Audrey Westheuser; Beatrice Ashton; Winston Evans; Promulgation Campaign
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