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from the Chronology

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1936 (In the year) Mr E. R. and Mrs Loulie Mathews arrived in Guatemala, the first Bahá'í teachers to visit the country. Guatemala E. R. Mathews; Loulie A. Mathews (Loulie Mathews); Travel teaching; First Bahais by country or area
1939 27 Aug The first Bahá'í resident in Guatemala, Gerrard Sluter-Schlutius, arrived in the country from Toronto. [OBCC228] Guatemala First Bahais by country or area
1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Mexico and the Republics of Central America was formed at Panama City, Panama. [BW13:257]
  • The countries involved were: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico.
  • Mexico; Panama; Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Honduras; El Salvador; Guatemala National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1960 (In the year) The first Maya-Quiche to become a Bahá'í in Guatemala, Filomena Cajas de Velasquez, a tourist guide, enrolled.
  • Later she was the first Guatemalan woman to serve on the national spiritual assembly.
  • Guatemala Filomena Cajas de Velasquez
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Guatemala was formed. Prior they had been part of Regional Spiritual Assembly of Mexico and the Republics of Central America. [BW13:258]
  • Upon forming the Assembly was made responsible for administrating the Bahá'í community of British Honduras although there were no Bahá'ís in British Honduras at the time. British Honduras remained under its jurisdiction until forming its own National Spiritual Assembly in 1967. [BN No364 July 1961 p2]
  • Guatemala; Honduras National Spiritual Assembly, formation

    from the Chronology Canada

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    1939 27 Aug Gerrard Sluter-Schlutius— German-born, former U-boat captain, enrolled in November of 1932 and was a member of the Montreal Bahá'í youth group. He moved to Toronto in March 1935 and to Guatemala in 1939 as the second overseas pioneer. [OBCC97, 104-105]
  • He also pioneered to Honduras and later to Colombia. In the middle of 1940's Gerrard Sluter was removed from the rolls by the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Shoghi Effendi later declared him a Covenant-breaker for his persistent political involvement. Later Sluter appealed to the judicial courts of Colombia to demand the cancellation of the legal status of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Bogota. He failed in all his lawsuits against the Assembly. [BNVol2p315]
  • Montreal, QC; Toronto, ON; Guatemala; Honduras; Bogota, Columbia Gerrard Sluter-Schlutius; Covenant-breakers
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