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1956. (In the year) Arthur Bonshaw Irwin (born 6 June 1915 – died 1994) and Lily-Ann Irwin of Calgary, Alberta were the first to take the Bahá'í teachings to the Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve).
    Note: Canadian Bahá'í News August 1961 p10 reported that this took place in 1960.
  • "Arthur Irwin became a Bahá'í in 1947 and was a very active Bahá'í teacher to the native peoples of Canada, Alaska, and the Caribbean. He and his wife, Lily Ann, established the first Native Indian Friendship Centre in Calgary, Alberta… He was honoured by the Blackfoot, Peigan, Blood, and Morely tribes in Alberta for his honesty and integrity. A geologist with a doctorate in the field, Irwin worked on Indian reserves in Canada ensuring that fair market value was paid for leases on natural resources (Bahá'í World. 1994. "Arthur Bonshaw Irwin." Bahá'í World. 1994. Volume XXIII)."
  • Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB Arthur Irwin; Lily Ann Irwin; Native Friendship Centre; Teaching, Native
    1958 Mar The Indian Teaching Committee (Indigenous Teaching Committee) reported that there were several studying the Faith in the Piikani First Nation. This committee had received permission from the Indian (First Nation) Council to teach on the Reserve. [BN No 341 July 1959 p10]

    The photo in this reference shows Indigenous believers of the Peigan Indian Reserve (Piikani First Nation), Blackfoot Confederacy, Alberta, Maggie Prairie Chicken, Rose Knowlton, Louise White Cow, Agnes Yellow Face, Councillor Samson Knowlton, Ben White Cow, Sam Yellow Face, and Allan (Otakkoyiisaapo'p) Prairie Chicken. Allan and Maggie Prairie Chicken were the first declarants of the Blackfoot nation in March 1958. [BN No 342 August 1959 p10]

  • Allan and his wife Maggie Prairie Chicken were the first Blackfoot (Peigan -Pikani) to declare as Baha'is. They declared in March 1958.
  • Sampson and Rosie Knowlton declared as Bahá'ís in 1958.
  • Louise and Ben White Cow declared around 1958-59.
  • Agnes and Sam Yellow Face Blackfoot Piikani Bahá'ís who declared around 1958-59. []
  • Piikani First Nation, AB Maggie Prairie Chicken; Rose Knowlton; Louise White Cow; Agnes Yellow Face; Samson Knowlton; Ben White Cow; Sam Yellow Face; Allan Prairie Chicken
    1959. (In the year) Hand of the Cause John Robarts visited the Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve). [The Distance Traversed a presentation by Bev Knowlton and Joan Young 2022] Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB John Robarts
    1960 16 May - 2 Jun ‘Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum was in North America from May 4 to June 5. She made a coast to coast tour of Canada from May 16 to June 2, 1960. She had a TV interview in Regina and was interviewed by newspaper representatives in Ottawa and other cities. In Montreal she gave an address in the Union Church. One of the recurring themes in her talk was the importance of Native teaching. During her tour she visited a Navajo First Nation in the US and the Peigan (Piikani) Reserve in Alberta. In Calgary she spoke to a group that included Native people and members of the Blackfoot First Nation declared his faith. [CBN No 126 July 1960 p5].
  • As a gift to the National Assembly she brought an illuminated Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh in Arabic. It was written in a circle in the centre of which was a lock of Bahá'u'lláh's hair. [CBN No 126 July 1960 p7]. iiiii
  • Piegan; Piikani First Nation; Blackfoot First Nation Amatul-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum; Archive
    1960. 21 May Hand of the Cause Ruhiyyih Khánum visited the Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB during her tour of Canada at the home of Councillor Samson Knowlton. During this visit she had the honour of being given a name by the chiefs of the tribe (Our Blessed Mother). [CBN No 126 July 1960 p5]
  • For details of the visit see [CBN No 129 October 1960 p3-4; BN No 356 November 1960 p2].
  • Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB Hands of the Cause, Activities; Amatul-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum
    1961. 23 Jan Noel Wuttenee visited Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB and is reported to have said:
      First Indian Bahá'í fire side I have been to and I am happy to see the Indians take to the sky once again with the strength and power of eagle wings. How far we will fly with the winds of Bahá'u'lláh's teachings, once again we can cry out with the Eagles voice and be heard and live with a purpose.
    [The Distance Traversed a presentation by Bev Knowlton and Joan Young 2022]
    Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB Noel Wuttenee; Indigenous Teaching
    1961 Ridván The first Local Spiritual Assembly of Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve) was formed with Louise Whitecrow, Charles Strike-With-A-Gun, Rose Knowlton, Sam Yellow Face, Ben Whitecrow, Joyce McGuffie, Dale Olivier, Guy Yellow Wings and Chief Samson Knowlton [Canadian Baha'i News July 1961]. Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB Louise Whitecrow; Charles Strike-With-A-Gun; Rose Knowlton; Sam Yellow Face; Ben Whitecrow; Joyce McGuffie; Dale Olivier; Guy Yellow Wings; Chief Samson Knowlton; Local Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 May Hand of the Cause Hasan M. Balyuzi (1908-1980) visited Canada where, in "addition to meeting the friends, he visited a number of Reserves, including First Nations of Ontario, the Poorman Reserve in Saskatchewan where he was honoured by a pow-wow, the Muscowpetung Reserve, the Peigan Reserve in Alberta, and First Nations people of British Columbia. His talks were ‘simple and direct', appealing ‘to the hearts of the many who came to hear him'. Later he described these meetings as ‘very wonderful', commending to British Bahá'ís the initiative of individuals upon whom ‘so much depends', and expressing his confidence in the rapid acceptance of the Faith by the Native peoples."[In Memoriam: Hasan M. Balyuzi" BW18p647; BN No 366 September 1961 118BE p9]
  • During May, in the course of a trip through Canada, Hand of the Cause Hasan Balyuzi visited a number of Indian Reserves. Accompanied by two members of the National Eskimo and Indian Teaching Committee of Canada, he stopped at the Poorman Reserve in Saskatchewan where a pow-wow was held in his honour and also at the Muscowpetung Reserve. Earlier he had visited Ontario Indians, and later he went on to the Peigan Reserve in Alberta, and to British Columbia. Mr. Balyuzi's talks were simple and direct, and appealed to the hearts of the many who came to hear him. At the Poorman Reserve, the chief and his wife walked three miles to meet him. There the Hand of the Cause, a relative of the Báb Himself, and thus a relative of beloved Shoghi Effendi, expressed gratitude to the Guardian for making the meeting possible. [Bahá'í News No 366 September 1961 118 BE p9]
  • Poorman Reserve, SK; Muscowpetung Reserve, AB; Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB Hasan Balyuzi; Teaching, Native
    1985. 28 Apr The passing of Samson Knowlton in his eighty-third year. Samson and his wife Rosie, who died in 1981, were among the first six members of the Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), one of the three branches of the Blackfoot tribe, to proclaim their faith in Baha'u'llah. Their acceptance of the Faith in 1958 resulted from a visit to southern Alberta of the Hand of the Cause John Robarts. The Knowltons quickly became effective Bahá'í teachers, assisting in the formation in April 1961 of the first Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Peigan Reserve.
  • Samson was also a member of the Band Council, and was instrumental in the passing of a resolution to permit Bahá'ís to visit and teach the Faith on the Peigan Reserve. He made many teaching trips throughout North America, fostering a spirit of harmony between native and non—native communities.
  • In 1960, Samson accompanied Canada's first native Senator, James Gladstone, a Blood Indian, to Ottawa to present to the federal Government a proposal urging it to extend to native people the right to vote in federal elections. (Note: On 31 March 1960, portions of Section 14(2) of the Canada Elections Act were repealed in order to grant the federal vote to status Indians. First Nations people could now vote without losing their Indian status.) He was also instrumental in having eliminated the ‘permit system' which prevented First Nations people from leaving the reserve. [BW19p668-669] iiiii
  • Rosie's Guest Book from 1960 to 1965 included the following names: Hasan Balyuzi, Agnes Harrison, Doug Crawford, Angus Cowan, Reg Wilson, Dorothy Francis, Harvey Iron Eagle, Henry Keg, Douglas Martin, Peggy Ross & many more. Other visitors were Ruhiyyih Khanum (21 May 1961) and Hooper Dunbar 24 July 1962). [The Distance Traversed a presentation by Bev Knowlton and Joan Young 2022]
  • Peigan, ABPiikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB In Memoriam; Sam Knowlton; Rosie Knowlton
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