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Search for location "Québec, QC"

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from the Chronology Canada

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1912 Jan Letter from May Maxwell to Star of the West... A few weeks later another talk given by a Montreal Bahai, on the significance of Abdul-Baha's visit to the occident, which was shortly followed by an address by Mr. Honore Jaxon, of Chicago, who presented the Bahai Message from the standpoint of the working class movement. Mr. Jaxon had just returned from England where he had been doing a work of seed-sowing and preparation among the organized labor people and socialists, and in his very broad and comprehensive talk in Montreal he showed the vital connection between these world-wide movements and the Teachings of Baha'o'llah. Mr. Jaxon spoke to several bodies and societies in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Quebec in such a spirit as to arouse interest and establish ties of good-will and fellowship, which will no doubt be the means of opening wide many doors for the reception of Abdul-Baha and the all-embracing Truth. [SoW Vol 3 No 1 March 21, 1912] Montreal, QC; Ottawa, ON; Toronto, ON; Quebec, QC Honore Jaxon; May Maxwell
1949. 11 Aug The first public meeting ever held in Quebec City with Mrs. Hilda Yen Male as the speaker. Publicity was obtained in four newspapers, and a radio inter· view was arranged during which direct questions about the Faith were asked. [BN No 226 December 1949 106BE p9] Québec, QC Proclamation; Hilda Yen Male
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