Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) |
Authorized Arabic text (1995) |
Let nothing grieve thee, O Land of Ta, [Tihran] for God hath chosen thee to
be the source of the joy of all mankind. |
Haddad translation (1900-01) |
Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998) |
O land of Ta (Teheran)! Grieve not because of anything, for God hath made
thee the day-spring of the joys of the worlds. |
Provisional Literal translation (1998) |
Earl E. Elder translation (1961) |
O land of al-Ta' (Teheran), do not be sorrowful for anything. God has made thee
the Rising-place of the Joy of the worlds. |
Notes to Translations (1998) |
Correspondence on Literal
trans. (1998) |
Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) |
Authorized Arabic text (1995) |
He shall, if it be His Will, bless thy throne with one who will rule with
justice, who will gather together the flock of God which the wolves have scattered. Such a ruler
will, with joy and gladness, turn his face towards, and extend his favours unto, the people of
Baha. He indeed is accounted in the sight of God as a jewel among men. Upon him rest forever the
glory of God and the glory of all that dwell in the kingdom of His revelation. |
Haddad translation (1900-01) |
Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998) |
If He desires He will bless thy throne with one [who] shall rule with
justice, and gather the sheep of God, which have been scattered by the wolves. Verily He
(ruler) will face the people of Baha with joy and pleasure. Is he not indeed the essence of
creation (best and greatest of kings) before the Truth? Upon him is the Baha of Ullah (God) and
Baha of whomsoever is in the kingdom of command in all respects! |
Provisional Literal translation (1998) |
Earl E. Elder translation (1961) |
If He Wills, He will bless thy throne through him who rules with justice and
gathers the sheep of God which have been scattered by wolves. He looks upon the people of al-
Baha' with joy and gladness. He is of the substance of Creation in the presence of the True
One! On him is the Splendour of God (Baha' Allah) and the Splendour (baha') of
Him who is in the Kingdom of the Cause continually. |
Notes to Translations (1998) |
Correspondence on Literal
trans. (1998) |
Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) |
Authorized Arabic text (1995) |
Rejoice with great joy, for God hath made thee "the Dayspring of His light",
inasmuch as within thee was born the Manifestation of His Glory. Be thou glad for this name that
hath been conferred upon thee--a name through which the Day-Star of grace hath shed its
splendour, through which both earth and heaven have been illumined. |
Haddad translation (1900-01) |
Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998) |
Rejoice for that by reason of which God hath made thee the horizon of light;
for in thee the dayspring of the manifestation was born, and thou wast called by this name
whereby the orb of bounty hath appeared, and the heavens and earth were illumined. |
Provisional Literal translation (1998) |
Earl E. Elder translation (1961) |
Rejoice thou in that God has made thee the Horizon of Light since the Rising-
place of Manifestation was born in thee [note 1] and thou art called by this Name, by which the
Lighting of Favour shone and the heavens and earths are illumined. |
Notes to Translations (1998) |
Correspondence on Literal
trans. (1998) |
Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) |
Authorized Arabic text (1995) |
Erelong will the state of affairs within thee be changed, and the reins of
power fall into the hands of the people. Verily, thy Lord is the All-Knowing. His authority
embraceth all things. |
Haddad translation (1900-01) |
Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998) |
Affairs shall be changed in thee, and a republic of men shall rule over thee.
Verily thy Lord is the wise, the encompasser! |
Provisional Literal translation (1998) |
Earl E. Elder translation (1961) |
Things shall be overturned in thee and the multitude (jumhur)[note 2]
of people shall rule thee. Indeed, thy Lord is the Encompassing One, the Knower. |
Notes to Translations (1998) |
Correspondence on Literal
trans. (1998) |
Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) |
Authorized Arabic text (1995) |
Rest thou assured in the gracious favour of thy Lord. The eye of His loving-
kindness shall everlastingly be directed towards thee. The day is approaching when thy agitation
will have been transmuted into peace and quiet calm. Thus hath it been decreed in the wondrous
Book. |
Haddad translation (1900-01) |
Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998) |
Be confident through the grace of thy Lord, because the glances of favor shall
never cease beholding thee and thou shalt be wrapped in tranquillity after disturbance. Thus the
matter hath been decreed in a new book! |
Provisional Literal translation (1998) |
Earl E. Elder translation (1961) |
Be tranquil through the grace of thy Lord. The moments of benefits shall not be
cut off from thee. After trouble tranquillity shall take hold of thee. Thus is the matter decided
in a new book. |
Notes to Translations (1998) |
Correspondence on Literal
trans. (1998) |